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The Early Years

My Conversion to Christianity:

I wish to state at the outset of my story that it was at the age
of seven that I had what Christianity calls my conversion experience.
I was in grade 2 and was best friends with a schoolmate named
Ivan, who was the son of the local Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church
in our community. I had been invited by Ivan to attend a series of after
school kids meetings at his father's church. I agreed to go. I attended
the meetings every day for the whole week. I was really impressed with
the young lady that was leading the kids crusade. She was very pretty and
also extremely talented musically. I recall that she played different
musical instruments, the one that impressed me the most was the marimba.
She played it so well. I think I probably had a crush on her too. (I
would always get crushes on pretty young women. This also may have
something to do with my love for things feminine.)
On one particular after school meeting she talked to us about
whether or not we knew we would go to heaven if we died. This was the
first time that I had ever been asked such a question. She asked us all
to bow our heads and then said that we could know with a certainty that
when we died we would go to be with Jesus if we died. She told us that if
any of us wanted her to pray with them so that we would have this
assurance of Heaven to put their hand up. Somehow I knew that God was
speaking directly to me through this wonderful lady. I put my hand up and
then she said "I would like everyone who put their hand up to stay behind
after the crusade is over and I will pray with you so that you will know
that you will go to Heaven when you die." When the meeting was over I did
not remain as I had indicated by the upraised hand. I went out into the
cold night. As I remember walking through the snow on the east side of
that church building, deep within me I sensed that something was saying
to me, "You put your hand up and told the lady that you wanted her to
pray with you." Although I heard no audible voice, it was as if God
Himself was speaking to my heart. I could not resist this voice which was
prompting me. At that point I made a 360 degree turn and headed back into
the church to have her pray for me and lead me in the sinner's prayer and
accept Jesus Christ as my saviour. I have always believed that I was born
again not when I went inside and prayed, but when as an act of obedience
to the voice of the Spirit of God, I turned around that 360 degrees and
toward Him. That turn around was my repentance.
I just knew that something wonderful had happened to me that
evening after school. My life seemed to have a new meaning and purpose. I
now wanted to live for Jesus. I even wanted to join the Pentecostal
Church, but my parent wouldn't hear of it nor would they let me attend
this Holy Roller Church. So such was the beginning of my religious
experience which would be my main purpose in life from then on.

Mail Me: Tanyatg@geocities.com