What's In It For Me?  

Regardless of why you get into swinging, eventually you will reflect on "What's in it for Me". At the beginning, the reasons seemed very simple. Most new swingers when asked will say they want to have erotic sexual experiences. To be able to experience and do things that two can never do.

Well, hold on for the ultimate in life's experiences. This lifestyle, like many other alternative lifestyles is very demanding. Some alternative lifestyles are fortunate as they are slowly reaching public acceptance. Or is it tolerance. It can be difficult to tell the difference.

For swingers, there is little resource. What exists tends to be sugar coated; believe us, we've read it. The general public thinks most of us disappeared in the sixties. What is known about swingers is based on movies and magazines. Let's be honest, if media can't accurately report the daily news, how can we expect them to report on swinging. Most likely, you won't be able to talk to family or friends. The price tag for living on the edge.

As a result, you will be getting into swinging totally unprepared. If you're not careful, everything you learn will be learned the hard way. The lifestyle has little sympathy for weak or insecure relationships. Simple problems in a relationship can blossom into large problems overnight. Everything is accelerated. You will run the full gambit of feelings; jealousy, insecurity, and loneliness. You will begin to question why.

Both of us have been there. Our secret to surviving is open communication. Not just in our relationship, but with others. Your best resource in the lifestyle is other swingers. There is little you will encounter that someone else hasn't already experienced. Talk to other swingers and most importantly, LISTEN to them. They will not only tell you what to avoid, they will tell you who to avoid. Swingers are very protective about what they have and as a result will ostracize those who cause problems.

So, after almost two years in the lifestyle and several wonderful experiences, we're still here. How? Simple. Don't deny your feelings, discuss them. Why? Also simple. We are starting to discover "What's in it for Me"... Self Discovery.

Happy swinging...