June Meeting 2003
Seward Forest Preserve...Seward, IL

The first outdoor meeting of the riding season was held at Seward Forest Preserve on June 15th, the week before the IL ABATE State Rendezvous. Participants of Rogers Iron Butt run on May 24th came to pick their cards to see who won. General meeting info was exchanged and info about the State Party and times of departures were discussed. And of course food was being cooked on a nearby grill for those who were hungry. It was a great day weatherwise for all who came.

Brian Wing drawing his cards from the Iron Butt run on the 24th.

Food was being grilled shortly after
the meeting.

Roger at the head table handing out prizes for the Iron Butt run.


Just a wide shot of some of the
folks there.

Barb Reilly just doesn't like to have her photo taken at all.



Now this guy (?) doesn't mind much.

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