Miss Sweetie Lamour's
About This Site
Welcome to my little spot on the web. This site is for the open minded. It's about  me and my family. It's about my faith , my crossdressing, and being proud of being a  Gay Christian  DragQueen.  If this doesn't sound like it interests you please leave now.

My Bio
If you would like to know more about my family and I have a look around.

Site Updates
I have made a lot of changes to my site the past few days.When I first started it I just wanted to make it all about Drag Queens and getting in touch with my fem side.
Well that has change. I want to share more of my life with you now. I want to tell you about my  wonderful husband and our two beautiful kids. I want to show you that we are a family no matter what anyone says.

I have added pictures and I will be adding more soon. I have also added a second page to my faith page.(updated 11/20/00) Pictures updated 09/19/00.

Now on with my story..........
My Faith
Message Board
Sweetie's Photos
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