Baby Needs a Name

it seems that lovely people have visited my site. thanks!

welcome to my beautiful home page of all my most favourite things ever, it takes a really really long time to put all these pictures on and organise the page and stuff, so it's not completely complete yet, and most probably never will be, but most of the 80's toys and cartoons have lots of pics and info and are almost finished. anyway, have a look for yourselves and come back soon because it is updated (though not as frequently as i'd like).

if you don't understand the name of my page, look on my strawberry shortcake page 'cause it's the name of one of her friends. i didn't have a name for my page for ages and was just calling it 'some things i like' until i could think of a name, i knew i was never going to think of something so i called it 'baby needs a name' 'cause i could really relate to the baby in the cartoon with not having a real name!

80's toys and cartoons
care bears
my little ponies
rainbow brite
strawberry shortcake

newer toys and cartoons
hello kitty
little twin stars
sailor moon

i hope to soon have an extensive list of links with some good ones available now

visit my other home page
i'm in the process of making another page and i'd really really really like it if you would look at it, it's called
*Very Very*

something special
a very special friend of mine sent me an icq message with a page address, i went to look at the page and found it was this really special page designed just to send to your icq friends to wish them a great day, i thought it was really sweet and it actually made my day a little brighter, so, i want you all to go and look at this page and then send it to your favourite icq friends

for any questions or comments, feel free to email me at

also, if you have the time i'd really appreciate it if you'd either sign or view my guestbook
Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

these are the more general webrings my page is in, the specific ones (like my care bears webring etc) are on their specific pages

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