my world & welcome to it
This site is for gay men who are into diving equipment, flying equipment, amongst other things. Whilst this site does not contain any nudity, it does deal with themes and concepts that may be considered objectionable by some people.
(Er... well at the moment, quite honestly, the site is quite tame, but I am ever hopeful!)
If you are under the age of 18, or likely to be offended by homoerotic images or concepts, or unsure as to whether you are complying with any local laws or statutes, then PLEASE DO NOT ENTER THIS SITE. Thank you. If you are over 18, etcetera, etcetera, then come on in. The water is lovely. 
ENTER - you know you want to!
Eeeek! Get me outta here!

The Smug Marsupial
Your Symbol of Quality!
Caution!  Bear at large!