Welcome to the Castle

(This is a mirror site to Mistress Infinity's Home Page)
Presented by jessica, Her devoted maid, with the Mistress's full permission.


Before you go any further, this site contains material related to BDSM (NO PORN or FULL NUDITY) so, present your papers to the guard.

The guard scowls and looks you over.

"The Mistress has informed me that you must not be of tender years (under 21) or of a sensitive nature (not easily offended by alternative sensual lifestyles). There is no porno on this site but the alternative lifestyle of BDSM is the theme."

"If this is so, and everything is in order you may continue. If not, please turn back now."

Porn-Free D/s

You are victim, er visitor number

to my view of Mistress Infinity's World of Female Domination.

Thank you for journeying to my realm. Be sure to visit often!

This site contains different material to Mistress Infinity"s personal site, but you will find Links to Her site at various locations on this site.

Dispatch a Scribe to the Mistress
Dispatch a Scribe to maid jessica

Site updated May 16, 1999 by maid jessica.

The Castle gate swings open....... Enter the Castle

True Fetish Sites

This entire site has been hand coded, uploaded and maintained by maid jessica Herself as a labour of love to the BDSM community She adores. Coffee Cup HTML editor was used used. All original material and design is © copyright December 1998 and is used with the permission of Mistress Infinity Links have been handpicked. Please report any bad links so that She may adjust them.

For information on creating your own realms in the WWW kingdom Visit the HTML Wizard or visit the Wizard's HTML Kingdom

Obligatory Search Engine Bait Below
(What you will find here)

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