b  i  o
or, contemplating the paradoxes of Knowing on a subatomic level

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and so perhaps there will be a summation, a series of

and what of this idea that we are each solitary beings separated from one another by our canisters of skin? that when you get down to it we are, essentially, alone in our own universe, sequestered in the private room behind our eyes (I's) from all the others

transmitted from the invisible corporate outpost where neither you or me are but where they are ... they ... them ... but lets not talk about them, it complicates things and sends heads spinning ... lets just keep it focused on me and you

out there ... those others that we believe to be out there? but i am i and you are you in relation to "one another" ... we are not separate

we are in this together and together we will get to the bottom of this youandi problem but there's the re-occuring problem that

each "one" is unintelligible without the other "one" ... for every "me" there must be a "you" but instead we have the canisters of skin which is why

i keep hesitating to enter myself into this stream of particles, afraid i'll get mixed up in the flow and you'll think my name is Yahoo and the bidding has begun at $0.00 and sevenhundredandseventyseven wampum

everytime i think of "me" there "you" are... waiting in the wings for your inevitable entrance ... waiting in the shadowed quiet for your cue which always comes

but maybe if i just avoid it all together you'll try and contact me on the telephone and then i can translate myself into rounder, softer electrons which are more authentic, and the resonance of my voice and its statements can be subject to more accurate testing

because when you really get down to it we're always in touch with one another since the atoms that make up my body collide and intermingle with the atoms that make up the air between us which dance and glide across the atoms that make up your body and so there is no empty space between us just a connection that we've been trained to never see fully and

we could stand face to face and between us would flow the atoms of sight and sound and touch and of course this would be the truth and we would know one another ... the atoms of your face streaming into my eyes, your voice streaming into my ears, your hands streaming into my skin ...  surely all the illusions of wordsand imageswhichare pixelswhicharebitswhichare packets whichareatoms would be stripped away to show the Truth

it sounds cliche but, in the final analysis, no matter how alone you feel in the world you're still "a part of" everything

otherwise everyday life is really no different from the internet and that can't be right, that can't be true... can it?

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