p e r f o r m a n c e

indeed, i have the misfortune of being a
soloperformer : actor : playwright : heavymetalsuperstar : guitarhero : ultraman
i've worked in many mediums and am lucky enough to have been involved with some truly talented people including my collaborator Juliann (last name withheld due to international conspiracy bent on destroying her). below you will find synopsis of
some of the original work i've been a part of
Personal Instrument
Created by Juliann Rubijono and I, Performed by I
Sound Design by
Rod Webber, Video by Evan O'Sullivan
Produced by The Theater Offensive
An urban gay professional takes out a classified ad to sell his memory-laden guitar setting into motion three interlocking stories of Passion and Music that takes on the politics of high school clique wars, the homoerotics of glam metal and the meaning of following your True Passion. This multimedia, one-man rock musical is like nothing you've ever seen before!

Performed at:

Boston Center for the Arts -- Boston

New Conservatory Theater -- San Francisco, CA


"A real find... Hanbury's playing is first-rate throughout, as are the complicated technical aspects of this striking late-night entertainment."

-Boston Herald

"What keeps Personal Instrument from becoming an indulgent series of rock riffs is the quality of the writing which is smart and knowing, and Hanbury's expressive talent, which connects with the audience immediately."

-Bay Windows

"Hanbury is a virtuoso on his personal instrument!"

-- Boston Globe

The characters passionate desires and Habury's sizzling guitar playing cut to the erotic, ecstatic heart of rock 'n roll while shattering some queer stereotypes along the way. Hanbury's electric energy befits his subject, and he's a flexible performer who's clearly in tune with his theme."

-- San Francisco Bay Guardian

"Roaming the floor and serpentine platforms of Peter Colao's set the slender Hanbury is an engaging narrator and deft caricaturist."

--San Francisco Chronicle

Personal Instrument was nominated as Best Solo Performance of 2000 by the Independant Reviewers of New England

Of Lost Time
Created by Juliann and I, performed by I
Alternate realities, subversive sexualities, alien abduction and the movie Showgirls collide in Of Lost Time a one-man, surrealist rollercoaster which campily deconstructs the human management of reality while journeying into our deepest fears and most intimate desires....

Performed at:

Actors Workshop -- Boston

Northampton Center for the Arts


"A close encounter of the weird kind... Adept... Hanbury has an energy and physicality that is compelling to watch..."

-- Robert Nesti  'Bay Windows'
Talking to Maybe or, The Great Promise of Arthur C. Clarke
Written and Directed by I, starring Peter Rubijono and I
Sound Design by
Rod Webber, Video by Evan O'Sullivan
Fleeing the damning diagnoses of the infamous and calculating Dr. L our two heros, Jay and Sir Hubert, escape from the mental hospital on their flying motorcycles to find the one man who can answer their burning question: Is Jay really telepathic or just another paranoid schizophrenic?

Performed at:

Actors Workshop -- Boston


"The entire hours performance had the fevered intensity of good science-fantasy, and just enough embiguity to intrigue. All the technical details fit together and were timed to split-second coordination, while the reality-levels of the story kept shifting subtly keeping the audience's mind interested."

-- Larry Stark  'Theater Mirror'

Talking to Maybe was nominated for Best New Play of 1998 by the Independant Reviewers of New England

b a c k   t o   h o m e