A zine for queer punk grrlz and the people that love 'em!!!!


"Hey there, my name is fLEA and I'm the editor/publisher of "THUNDERPUSSY" zine. I'm a queer punk grrrl from Melbourne Australia. My zine is aimed at young alienated dykes/queers/grrls who don't neccessarily relate to what mainstream 'gay/lesbian' publications or mainstream 'girl/women' publications shove in their face! "thunderpussy" zine is not specifically a 'queer' zine as such, it's there for women/grrls of all persuasians, regardless of sexuality!...oh, and this page is getting a MAJOR facelift (STILL WORKING ON IT!!!) so you don't have to scroll down so's gonna look fuckin' ACE, with different pages, lots of pictures, even a rant page for you grrls out there and a guestbook and stuff like that, well, you know, what other web pages kinda look like.... so bookmark this site and come back often...!!!

Issue #1 features... local (now defunct) Melbourne band 'TUFF MUFF', a show review of 'Bikini Kill' when they toured Aus in '96, hardcore Melb' band 'Velvet Hammer', an interview with NYC based humourist/spoken word performer Juliana Luecking, a list of comeback lines for when people harrass you in the street, lots of cool articles, personal writings of child abuse/incest experiences, a list of some awesome WOMEN inventors that have been excluded from HIStory, local Australian cartoonists/artists, music reviews, interviews and heaps, heaps more!!! (A4 Glossy red cover 45 pgs $5/trade)

Issue #1.5 (thunderpussy extra) features...more cool stuff like Sleater-Kinney, Team Dresch, now defunct Melb' band Vinegar Tits, personal writings on coming out, masturbation, old record reviews on chicks that rocked back in the eighties, personal muses, local cartoonists comix and others from o/s, zine reviews, what boyz would do if they had a cunt/clit for a day, grrl pirate call (if you know of any chick pirates let me know ok?), local rockers Arcane who are now defunct and quite sadly their bass player died a few years ago from breast cancer (RIP Marianne)... (A5, 20+ pgs, p/c $2 or trade!)

Issue #2 features...a SHONEN KNIFE show review, 'PATTY SCHEMEL' interview (HOLE), an interview with Canberra tattooist Ex Di Medici, one womens view on her reasons why dyke sex is better than het sex, some comments about rape regarding some fucked comments by a Japanese Minister of Culture- Shumon Miura (from 1985), stuff on violence in lesbian relationships-how to recognise the fact and what you can do to help, an interview with Andrea Beltramo of LA punk band 'SNAP-HER', local band 'SHERAW' and heaps more personal rants and raves, cartoons by local comik artists and heaps, heaps more!!! (A4 Glossy blue cover, 50 pgs, $5/trade)

Issue #2.5 (thunderpussy extra) is a small photocopy job and this one features all the usual awesome rants/raves, groovy cartoons, my own band (now x band) goFUKuYA, Sydney band-Middle Aged Women With A Gripe and Cultlena, stuff on the Slits, a recipe for making yr own Irish Cream, pin ups of Tobi Vail (bikini kill) and Andrea Beltramo (snap-her), zine reviews, stuff on OI!SKA - who used to be Australias own grrl/ska/punk band and more .... (A5, 20+ pges, p/c $2 or trade)

THUNDERPUSSY #3 is currently in the works...and will feature interviews with THE DONNAS, LUNACHICKS, The BUTCHIES, and a huge interview with amazingly talented drummer about town Sue World ex WET ONES and GIRL MONSTER who now drums in Melbourne band the EXOTICS!!!...,a fan page on great Melbourne band "PORCELAIN", more rants and raves, heaps of local cartoonists and writers and bands, reviews and interviews and heaps and heaps more stuff!!!
This issue was supposed to be out about a year or so ago but I've been extremely busy sifting through the all the crap in my head and playing in a new band and trying to sort out my life (you know how it goes!)
so i promise that this issue will be bigger and better!!!!
(trust me, I'm a brain surgeon!!!)
I'm aiming towards something coming out in the New Year maybe, so send in those stories, articles, cartoons, interviews, rants and raves... and stuff you want for publication and if I like it i'll publish it!!! The mailing address is at the bottom of the page!

oh yeah, I linked a few fan pages that i thought were cool and interesting, these pages have no affiliation with my zine, I linked them so you could check out some of the bands I mentioned just in case you have never heard of them and wanted to know a little about them from a fans perspective... so if you see your page linked email me and tell me what you think... 'GoFUKuYA' is my last band, we were a garage punk band and now have quite sadly dis-banded, BUT DO NOT FEAR!! I am playing around town in a band called....

,........... we are loud, obnoxious and have a brand spanking new drummer and guitarist who is also my spunky new come and see us sometime!

HOMEWRECKERS last year recorded a 5 track EP with Carl from No Idea producing us, it's been mastered and we have a nasty CD out available at gigs or from our website!!! We have loads of merch from undies, g-strings to tees and me for more details...we will be re-recording soonish as we have new members and a whole new style and a bunch of great new songs...
ok last band goFUKuYA feature on the 'SCOOTER Vol 1' compilation CD from Sydney with bands such as Tribe 8 and the THIRD SEX from the US, cool huh? and another couple compilations in Germany and Malaysia too if I actually get my shit together!!!!

I also do SPOKEN WORD (well, UNSPOKEN WORD, I read about incest and rape and issues that don't get talked about...) I will be incorporating some into music, I've been stuffing around with ideas...and will very soon be working on stuff with my friend Donicha's band *FASPEEDELAY*, just studio stuff, no live performances... I'll keep you posted on this site....


I'm also starting a record label 'Savagepussy Records' with my friend Jellybean so send in those demos/DAT tapes etc, it's gonna be queer/punk/grrl orientated so no homophobic, sexist, racist crap coz they'll go str8 in the fire! I'm putting out a compilation CD as part of a future edition of THUNDERPUSSY zine hopefully next year sometime so ANY BANDS THAT WOULD BE INTERESTED SHOULD MAIL ME A DEMO FOR CONSIDERATION... The address is below...or email Jellybean or me here for more information!!!!!!


 Theo Lunachick And Flea

.....iS tHE nAME oF A rADIO sHOW i have on COMMUNITY RADIO 3CR (855 ON THE am DIAL!)(got the name from a Lunachicks song!), I just got sick of listening to mainstream radio and putting up with crappy boy bands that get on high rotation that definately DON'T deserve it and listening to exessive amounts of Jimmy fucking Barnes every five minutes, (at work the radio dial is stuck on one of those yucky mainstream 'commercial' radio stations!) so I thought hey, how many awesome women are out there in bands that don't get heard just coz they are women???? I bet if the Ramones were women no-one would like them...The ratio of men played on mainstream radio far outweighs the women and I am soooo sick of the myth that grrlz don't rock out and mainstream radio perpetuates this by playing lots of girly singers only, if that at all and thats only cuz the stupid men that decide on the playlist have NO TASTE IN MUSIC!!!!!! So basicallly this radio show is a big fat middle finger to all of them!! hahaha!!!! SO TUNE IN EVERY MONDAY NIGHT FROM 11.00 PM TIL 12.30 AM ON COMMUNITY RADIO 3CR (855 am dial)!!! If you have a demo or 7" or CD you would like me to play send it to the address at the bottom!!! thanks! OH YEAH AND I WOULD LIKE TO THANK EVERYONE FOR DONATNG $$$$ TO BITTERNESS BARBIE FOR 3CRs RADIOTHON AND HELPING TO KEEP COMMUNITY RADIO ALIVE AND KICKING ASS! IF YOU WANNA SUBSCRIBE TO MY SHOW JUST EMAIL ME AND I CAN SEND YOU THE DETAILS!!!!!

(disclaimer!) - THIS WEB PAGE..

This web page does no justice to what my zine is actually like or what I am like as a person, (me: shy, but usually come across as snobby or rude, take yr pick...) this page will be changing periodically, I have some ripper ideas of what I want this site to look like but you have to wait until I get PC literate first!!!! Also, just because I might say i'm queer and that THUNDERPUSSY is a queer zine doesn't mean that you should presume that everyone/band/individual mentioned on this site is queer, NEVER ASSUME ANYTHING ABOUT ANYONES SEXUALITY!!! Cuz sexuality is fluid! Celebrate it and DON'T stuff anyone in a box!


contact Flea at



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