Triad Update

Three yrs down. Who would have thought.

Site Update
December 12, 2008

*:* MAIN PAGE-Removed Music City Bears Info :*: LINKS PAGE-Removed Broken Links *:*

Local news headlines powered by Out In Nashville

Amber Alert

Sammie aka SpeedPuppy
Jim aka Jinx
Rob aka NashBear

Click on the picture for more info and pix
here to see pictures of us together.

We live in Nashville, TN, and mostly chat on Yahoo and Bear 411.
Sammie is SpeedPuppy69 on Yahoo and SpeedPuppy on Bear411.
Rob is Nashbear1970 on Yahoo and WestTnBear on Bear411.
Jim is JSmoker1313 on Yahoo and Jinx on Bear411.

Other parts to our homepage.

Thanks GeoCities for providing my space on the web.

visits since Dec 26, 1998,
plus 2500 from my old counter when it stopped working.

Sammie's Yahoo Messenger status for SpeedPuppy69 is:
Rob's Yahoo Messenger status for NashBear1970 is:
Jim's Yahoo Messenger status for JSmoker1313 is:

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