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zeugmagirl's biway
A bisexual woman's page about sexuality and coming out, a collection of queer quotes,
and picture galleries of very beautiful women.

pansy banner

Chapter 2: In which I make my way through the maze of the Yahoo/Geocities merger and finally start working on my page again! I'll have new and reasonably exciting things up soon...till then, thanks for visiting!

(And an e-nuzzle to JCP...hello, love!)

Turn the page!

* Apples and Oranges A collection of personal thoughts about bisexuality. (No, I'm not just confused, and no, I'm not interested in going home with you and your wife!)
* My Coming Out Story Featuring psychiatric hospitalization, a lot of denial, and the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling.
* Queer Quotes Quotes by and about queers throughout history, from Plato to Pat Robertson.
* Beautiful Women Lots of pictures of women who make me swoon: Catherine Zeta Jones, Salma Hayek, Laetitia Casta, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Kate Winslet.
* My Guestbook Sign my guestbook! Tell me what you like, what you want to see on this site, or just say hi.
* More about me My page of personal info and pictures.


* My Queer Links Page Links to queer and bi resources and online culture.

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What the heck is zeugma?

Zeugma: "a rhetorical figure by which a single word is made to refer to two or more words in the sentence; esp. when applying to them in different senses" - The Oxford English Dictionary.

I write capsule movie reviews and zeugma gets across a lot of information in the skimpy space of a movie listing (my favorite so far is Austin Powers - "Cryogenically frozen super-spy battles culture shock and Dr. Evil.")

It's also a rather good metaphor for bisexuality...standing with one high-heeled shoe in both cultures, functioning equally well in each, but with the meaning changed by the knowledge that it's always working both ways.


© 1999
Updated March 23, 2000

The floral graphics on these pages are from The Icon Bazaar, which has so many backgrounds, dividers, icons, and all-around nifty graphics you'll spend all day there. Definitely check them out.

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