1/25....Welcome to Spring 2000. Ah! A new semester, year, century, and a wealth of new opportunities for RUGBI. This semester RUGBI plans to hold a Queer Leadership Seminar to help educate students within the queer community on leadership skills. We also have our DANCE which is held each semester. Don't let RUGBI pass you by this semester and drop an email if you want to be on the mailing list. Later, Milton
- 2/8....This Tuesday we will have a movie night at my apartment. We will probably watch "Trick", a gay romantic comedy about guys trying to hook up and their inability to do so...REALLY REALLY GOOD MOVIE. Email me for details. later, milton
- 2/16....The Douglass Library at Rutgers University will be hosting a Queer Reading February 16, 2000, from 5:00pm-7:00pm.
In celebration of 30 years of Queer activism at Rutgers University, you're all invited to the Rutgers first QUEER READ to be held at Douglass College Library Mezzanine Room from 5-7 P.M. on February 16th. All the communities and friends are invited, bring your favorite poem or short gay, lesbian bi, transgender piece to read so that we can all enjoy it. If you write, bring a selection of your own creation. We need a great turn out; come and hear how diverse and creative our communities truly are. -- Susan Peters