Kissing... romantic, passionate - and sometimes even political...

There is a big history of Lesbian Kiss-ins in the US and Europe since some of us decided that it's time for some dyke power. But I was told there are still some heterosexuals that have the opinion "Well, don't misunderstand me, I'm not
against Gays and Lesbians (in fact, some of my best friends are gay) - but do they have to kiss in public?"

Well, my friends, we have!
And this is why this site is dedicated to Lesbian visibility and pride!

Stay proud and kissing and enjoy the difference... ;-)


sponsored by:

wow, they are really bound... ;-)

Desert Hearts

Claire of the Moon

Once Is Not Enough

Wild Side

Go fish!

Queen Christina

The Fox

When Night Is Falling

... and they are kissin´....

Background (c) and available from Indina's Tapestry shop

I am always looking for more "kisses", so please, feel free to e-mail me suggestions, pix or URLs!

(c) "The Lesbian Kiss-in"  1998-2000 all copyrights by

last updated  16/08/2000