Hello and welcome to my small corner of this great big world.
This site deals with the subject of Transvestism and Transgender issues. (Well some anyway)
If you are offended by this type of material please leave now.  If not then welcome.  There is no nudity or pornography on this site, so if that is what you are looking for well there are plenty of other sites that will offer that material. 

I hope by reading my story it will give you just a little more insight and, perhaps make the casual reader a little more aware of what being a Transvestite means.  Not that I really know myself, but maybe one day -  I hope you like what you see if not then enjoy your browsing.
So you may well ask what is new on this brand new site.  Well err ok I'm making it up as I go along.  But that isn't strictly true.  There is the new serialised story of  SUPERTV© the latest in the long line of superheroes.  This concept dawned on me when I saw that there was an already overpriced and overcrowded market in the    Superhero line  So I cried ME TOO!
The photo galleries are being up dated - so if any TV Girls out there want to display your assets (non naked) - email me and I'll include it on the regular updates.  Also if anyone has useful tips or ideas and would like them shared let me know and I'll put them on a page with full acknowledgements.   

                                            L&Kxxx   Claire


Sorry it's been so long since I last updated but there will be a major revamp of my homepage soon also the next chapter of superTV. Love & Kisses Claire

7th May 2002

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