in memory of matthew shepard

december 1, 1976 - October 12, 1998
Let me begin by saying that I did not personaly now Matthew Shepard but I miss him and I have this burning in the pit of my stomach when I think of him. He will be truely missed and I will always be thinking of him.

On the early morning of Monday, October 12 1998, Matthew Shepard died. He died from 2 wastes of space, incoherent wannabe's who know nothing more than being inhuman. No one could ever know the fear and pain that Matthew had to go through during his ordeal and I honestly do not think that it is going to get any better any time soon. The losers who did this to him,and their famlies and girlfriends,are saying that this is not a hate crime,...leaving me here to think "than what the hell is it?!". I don't know what to think anymore. I don't know who to trust nor do I believe in hope as much as I used to. Sometimes I feel like just giving up and walking away when things like this happen but I know now that it is not the answer. We must all together learn how to prevent these things from happening in the first place and ban together and begin to help one another. I know that I do not posess all of the answers myself, but all I am doing is trying to figure out solutions. But I know I can not do it alone. So please everyone who visits this page find some way of changing the negative feelings people have towards each other. In the meantime send me e-mail or sign my guestbook and let me know how you feel about Matthew and maybe tell me how you think we could change the way people hate one another.
send donations to the Matthew Shepard Memorial fund at:
C/O First National Bank
P.O. Box 578
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522
Account # 1926083

Email his family with condolences at:

from Matthew's mother:"Go home, give your kids a hug and don't let a day go by without telling them you love them."

Ellen DeGeneres gave a really moving speech at the capital for Matthew and I feel that the speech reached many of people and gave them hope in life.

here is a poem I have dedicated to Matthew:

your soul derived of breathing their air.
our sentiments so free will of care.
the world is one big light,
but you were shut off,
without a fight.

taught to ignore from the start.
feelings of pain you held deep in your heart.
amanda dawn miller

My Guest Book
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email Westbro Baptist Church and tell them how you feel at and be sure to tell them to go screw them selves!!!

the church above are the damned assholes who were going to picket Matthew's funeral

Links to other sites on the Web

a tribute
Matthew's medical updates from Poudre Valley Hospital where he died
University of Wyoming:the school where Matthew attended
a really cool shockwave tribute to Matthew

always remember him

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