My name's Ginger. As I lived my life, I discovered somewhere along the way that it wasn't really my life that I was living. I was living everyone else's expectations of what they wanted me to be. While that certainly encouraged me to achieve many wonderful things, my life was never truly mine, and the splendid person that everyone proudly pointed to was really just a actor on a stage, playing to the wild cheers of the audience.

So what you have before you is someone who has decided she is not going to fit other people's molds any longer. In fact, I'm going to great lengths to finally break free of the facade I worked so hard to build for the benefit of others' delicate sensibilities. While they may have found great comfort when seeing the person they wanted to see, I felt alone when I saw their affections directed toward a nonexistent person...the persona I held up in front of me.

This humble site celebrates the birth of Ginger, a really nice person who simply wants to do good things in the world and be seen and accepted for who she is on the inside.

Please feel free to learn some more about me. It is, after all, the person I've really wanted to share with the world for a very long time.

If you think you know me, please click here.

Last modified 11/8/2003. The Halloween page has finally been populated with a series of memory lane photos. I also think I'll be getting more visitors who already know me so here's my recommendation for the guided tour:

Introductory Details (20 minutes)

  1. Bio
  2. Gallery
  3. "If you think you know me"

A Deeper Look at Me (at least an hour)

  1. Esprit '99
  2. Esprit '02
  3. Halloween

Philosophy and the Nuts and Bolts of Gender (days of reading)

  1. Links
  2. Wisdom


I'm insanely busy most of the time, so I apologize if I don't write back. I do love getting e-mail as long as it's nice. Rude, offensive, or intolerant messages, or if you're a guy trying to get a date will only result in wasted time on your part.



All images and text are copyrighted. No duplication or reposting of pictures without permission. © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004