Three Rivers Polyamory Network

Poly wanna cracker? Welcome to our home page. TRPN is intended as a support and social group for polyamorous/polyfidelitous people in the greater Pittsburgh area. This is not a sex or swinging club. We are open to all orientations, genders, and configurations (single, triad, quad, tribe, etc.)

Interested? subscribe to our (usually low-volume) mailing list: Click to subscribe to trpn(at) or send mail to trpn-subscribe(at) The list is primarily used to announce events. Since eGroups merged with Yahoo, the list is archived.

TRPN meets on the last Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the GLCC in Squirrel Hill (directions). All are welcome. Discussion is guided by the interests of those present and usually includes relationship issues, particularly ones that are unique to polyamorous relationships. We'd like to extend a particular welcome to those who are poly-curious or (happily or unhappily) in a relationship with a poly partner. This is a friendly discussion group, not a swingers' club; swingers are welcome, but please refrain from hitting on people. Each person attending the meeting is asked to make a $1 donation to the GLCC for use of the space.

TRPN also gathers for occasional social events and poly-themed movies. Join the mailing list to receive notice of these events.

Questions or comments? e-mail becca(at)


If you don't know what polyamory or polyfidelity is, a good place to start is the Alt.polyamory Home Page.
And, a fellow geocities member's thoughts: Tamsen's Polyamory Page.
And of course, one of the best personal poly pages out there is Stef's.
Last Updated: May 31, 2002.

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