Ask Tessa

~Merry Meet Everyone~

My name is Tessa and I do a weekly "Ask Tessa" column on MMNewsLetter on line. And I thought, what about other people?People who don't get the on line news letter, but still need help. So this page was born. Do you have a problem? Need to talk to someone, but you feel no one is there to listen? Talk to me! I'll gladly help. Just put any question or request in my guestbook and I'll send you my answer in your mailbox. Privately (as long as you enclose your e mail addy)or put your problem or whatever you wish on my messageboard. I'll answer your question there. So, don't feel left out, with no one to talk to! I'm here my dears. Whenever you need me.

Want to know a little about me?Go to my site Tessa's Blessed Be. And if you like the gifs and web page design you see go to Crystal's Place. She will be happy to help you and make any gif you seek.

So stop in and let me help you if you need someone who won't judge you, but will help you if you need a friend.
Merry Part~Tessa~

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Thank you for checking them out.

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Tessa's Blessed Be

Crystal's Place

Forest Witches Teachers Pet

For Donnie My Best Friend

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Dedication to Zarmon

Tessa's Book Of Shadows

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All graphics on this page are copyright 1999 by

Concept for this page is by TessMoonBeam, owner.
TessMoonBeam copyright 1998~2004
TessMoonBeam & Crystal,Inc. 1999-2004