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This site is for all of the ladies in the community. This site was founded with a belief that we all have a voice and a need to be seen and heard. There are many sites on the web now for ladies in Arizona, however there seemed to be a need for a place for women in the community to come, have fun and not be regulated by tons of rules. So the rules for this list are simple: come, have fun, meet fun women, make friends. The rest you can figure out!
If you would like to join please email your name, EMail address, area in which you live, and most importantly, a short bio about you so that others on the list can get to know you. You may also include personal URL's and pictures for the web site. Let's get together and pull our community of women together. This web site is for women and all input to the site will be appreciated. This list is for us and together we will make it a fun place to make new friends and meet new people!

Civil Union in Vermont

Harvey Fierstein's Speech About the Beating Death of Matthew Shepard

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