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Ang Tibo - Lesbians in the Philippines

Ang Tibo

Lesbians in the Philippines

"Ang Tibo" translated into English is The Dyke.
The word Tibo probably originated from the word tomboy, it later became
Thunderbird (perhaps from the T and B),
then was shortened to T-bird, and was eventually Filipinized to 'Tibo'.

Places to Go / Special Events

If and when in Manila, check out these places (which are not necessarily "gay - oriented")

If you know of any activities or events that would interest our friends, please e-mail me, so that I can publish it on this page. Check out the message board too, there may be some new postings.


Tibok: Heartbeat of the Filipino Lesbian
Anna Leah Sarabia

An anthology of lesbian writings.
I havent read this yet, I just caught a glance of reviews in some of our local papers.

The Ladlad Series
Neil Garcia and Danton Remoto

This series of books is all about coming out. "Ladlad" is Filipino for letting loose.

A Different Love: Being Gay in the Philippines
Dr. Margarita Holmes

"Dr. Holmes responds to her gay correspondents with wit and compassion, giving facts when only facts are requested, refusing to stand in judgment of the 'morality' of gay behavior per se, and emphasizing instead the morality involved in the way two people in a relationship behave towards each other, and towards other people drawn into their circle of love (and lust)..."
-- Rina Jimenez-David

Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Bibliography
Bibliography on Gay and Lesbian Language
Lesbian and Gay Catholic Short Stories and Plays
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My Sing-along Bar
Sing to your heart's content.


Helmut Newton
Richard Avedon
Lindsay Garrett
Fine Art Nude Postcards
Tastefully done nude photographs to send as postcards

Local News

Inquirer Online
Philippine Star

Les Films

Lesbian Flicks
This site shows a review of lesbian oriented movies
Gay and Lesbian Film Ads
Planet Out Popcorn

Chat Rooms

Filipino Lesbian Online's Chat Room
DYMLAS - Dito po sa Amin
Dyke's World

Message Board

Ang Tibo
Feel free to post anything you want.


Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Catholic Handbook
Tanikalang Ginto's Gay and Lesbian Links
Filipino Lesbians Online
A Dyke's World
Isle of Lesbos
Amazon Online
Asian Lesbian Bisexual Alliance
Notable Lesbians List
Historic Lesbian Couples
The Church of Tantra
Auntie Teck's

This Lesbian Asia Ring Site is owned byAngTigre

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