There's Only One...

trust not in the rose, for its color and scent will fade...believe in its Beauty, for the beautiful gives strength to the Heart.

trust not in the warmth of the sun, for clouds and night shall overcome...believe in its Light, mirrored in the stars, and know that darkness will never rule your Soul.

trust not in happiness, for the world breaks with the weight of sorrow...believe in the fruits of Heaven, and know that Sorrow is the sister of Joy.

the earth believes not in the Eternal, for it's secular sight births a mundane mind...and yet, we are called to be so much more than children of Dirt and Silver.

believe in thy heart with all thy might, for pain is a small price to pay for the Truth when deception and fear can corrupt your soul...know that a true heart has no Time for that which is temporal.

believe in Love and Pain for these tell us that we truly live...and though one follows the other, the day approaches when there will be only One...

This was for another older guy I "dated." Handsome man with a huge heart and a lot of did I keep dating these guys? More kernels of wisdom...