Welcome Schedule of Liturgy

We are a community of Catholics and persons of other faiths in the diocese of Syracuse, NY who are Gay, Lesbian and Transgendered and who support one another in our spiritual and religious growth.

We gather regularly for liturgy and reception of the sacraments as well as for worship in paraliturgical ceremonies.

Personal ties among us are strengthened by social activities, dining together, retreat events and service projects to the larger Central New York community, especially projects helping those living with HIV and AIDS.

Our endeavors are shared with our host parish in the Diocese of Syracuse as we look to the parish for strength and offer it in return our unique gifts.

We hope that you will be able to join us.


Notice: New Location

Until further notice we will temporarily celebrate liturgy at this location:

All Saints Church
(formerly St. Therese)
1304 Lancaster Ave.
Syracuse, NY 13210

First and third Sundays of each month
5:00 p.m.


A potluck dinner will take place in the church hall after liturgy on the third Sunday of the month. All are welcome.

Special events and changes to schedule

Voice message:
(315) 770-2155


Syracuse Gay and Lesbian Catholics and Friends is an intimate, concerned, inviting Christian community living in the spirit of the gospels. As a lay-led group, assisted by clergy, we gather for caring and participatory liturgies and other spiritual experiences, where women and men are celebrants. We also come together for special social occasions, and we celebrate friendships in the true sense of the call of Jesus to love one another as he loved us.

"People must think of us as Christ's servants, for we are the stewards who have been entrusted with the mysteries of God." (1 Cor 4:1)


Dignity USA

Syracuse Gay and Lesbian Chorus


We Are Family

CNY Pride


Conference for Catholic Lesbians

Walking together
Seeking the Lord

"Christ Pantocrator" copyright 1996 Thomas Scharbach. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

"Oil" copyright 1996 Thomas Scharbach. All rights reserved. Used with permission.