stildabess 's Home Page

Hello! I'm Bess

Thanks for stopping by! It's been 6 years since I published this page. And just like the rest of the world I've done a lot of growing up. I'll be uploading an update to this site real soon, so please come back ok! Thanks!.

I'm also working on 2 web pages simultaneously, and sometimes I get very confused! Especially since I'm working on two different issues. Anyway, my writings and creative skills are my emotions expounded. It comes from my heart. Nevertheless, I would love to hear your comments! I don't mind constructive criticism.

Just Say it!

I have a versatile personality, I write about things I like most!
I don't just "talk the walk, I've walked the talk."

A very pleasant trait of mine, which adds to my personality, is the nearly universal frankness and candid look that nature has stamped upon me. My Spanish temper, accompanied by the softness of manner I inherited from my Asian Culture, is particularly gratifying in the fairer part of creation. I am part Spanish, and part Japanese. Which makes me a half breed.

I'm proud of my heritage!

A trait that distinguishes ME is my singularly intelligent and expressive physiognomy.

Check out my Page on

Cultural Diversity

It's about Discrimination in today's society. Check if out and explore the World! Click on the link below:

"Society & Culture" (this site is temporarily down)

My second Web Page is about


Relationships! "Queer" Relationships! Oh My! Of course those of you who are blessed with a "sixth sense" what I call a "gaydar" the infamous sensing sytem that detects one's proximity to Gays and Lesbians and others who do not conform to the norm, must have been blowing sockets left and right! I understand, that this lifestyle is not for all, so if you are offended by it, please don't go to my site. And to the curious readers, Sorry! My Sites do not include Pornography!

It's very informative.

My thoughts and feelings...

Relationships and Lifestyle

Thoughts from my Buddies

Stone Cowboy's FTM/Transgender Resources

Alex's Page

Nick's Page

Caide's Page

Steven's Homepage


The Stonewall Revolution

Stone Butch Blues- Leslie Feinberg Site

Justice For All

Statistics and Homophobia

Being Queer is Not Perverse...Bigotry Is!

Send Me E-mail

Please come back soon ok!

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