
clothing | outing

Hi. I'm Trashina. No, duh, that's not my real name.

I'm an occasional transvestite living somewhere in Colorado. I'm straight, or at least I am most of the time. I love trashy, flashy clothes. At present I own a pair of clear plastic hot pants, some just-plain-too-tall heels, a sort of slinky dress, and a random assortment of crop tops. I've gone out dressed a couple of times, sure, but I don't like bars that much. And for whatever reason, I don't get in to dressing at home, except as a sort of proof of concept thing.

This home page is an experiment. I've got all this libido but I'm not involved with anyone right now. And every once in a while I get the urge to write down a little piece of fantasy. Also, like a lot of home pages, it's sort of a personal ad. Not a very serious one.

But any how, I have this strange fascination with clothes. Women's clothes. As un-male as you can get. It's sort of funny, because I'm pretty happy being a guy: having muscles, a square jaw, a penis. But sometimes I'm not sure whether I want to be John Travolta or Olivia Newton John. (Oh, gawd, I love that hot pants outfit she wears at the end. Oh, yes, and the pink dress just before that. Goodness me.)

So here's my attempt to find out who I am. Oh, sure, I've been coming out to myself and my friends for the past ten years. Plenty of folks know I like leather and vinyl, and there's even some who know I dress up in girly clothes. I've made love to girlfriends while wearing their clothes, and I know I like that. But you know, until I settle down and get married, I'm going to need some outlets for my libidinous, exhibitionistic urges. So here I am.


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