Carrie Leigh's Home

Hi I'm carrie Leigh.

My interests are:
fishing, sports, crossdressing.

My birthday is 6-2-80, I am a male to female CD\TS from North Dakota and I am looking for other TG's my own age. I am also looking fo a girlfriend from North Dakota who will be helpful. GG's or passable TG's welcome. I am 5' 3", 105 lbs. My biggest turn on is having feminine nails.

My story is this:I always played with my sister's toys when I was little. I loved playing house. I always wished I could be the mom. Then I saw a female impersonator on TV when I was seven. I didn't think a man could look like a woman, so I just wished I would just magically become one. Then my grandmother was reading a tabloid and it had a TS in it. She showed me how sick SHE thought people could be. I was so young I thought it was fake, but she said it was real, then I knew what was always wrong with me.

The description of my page is:
transgendered teens club

I plan on starting a TG teens club, so e-mail me your URL's, descriptions, and the e-mail address you want to receive fe-mail at.(8-1-98)

TG teens club members:

Email me at Carrie in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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Links to other sites on the Web

Carrie Leighs Gender Dysphoria Board for Teens
Girls of GeoCities

Mandy's Lil' Palace

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