The Agudah (formerly the SPPR) is a volunteer-based non-profit organization
serving the GLBT community in Israel.
The Agudah is the only national GLBT organization in the Middle East.
To work for the full legal, social and cultural equality of the Israeli GLBT community.
To provide support and social interaction for GLBT persons and enhance a sense of communal cohesion.
To educate the general public and widen the sphere of understanding and pluralism within Israeli society.
[1] Agudah Goals |
[2] Agudah AIDS Project |
[3] Important Dates | [4] Agudah Outreach Activities |
[5] Agudah Support Services |
[6] Agudah Youth Groups |
[7] Agudah Social Activities |
[8] Agudah Political Action |
[9] Agudah Education Programs | [10] Agudah Volunteer Opportunities |
[11] Israel Update | [12] Agudah Cultural Programs |
[13] Contact the Agudah | [14] Out In Israel |
[15] Links | [16] Calander of events |
This web page was created by The Agudah Oversees Relations Committee ORC
The Agudah is a member Organization of:
ILGA-International Lesbian and Gay Association
World Congress of Gay Lesbian and Bisexual Jewish Organizations
BELH DOEGET works under the auspices of the Agudah back
Support groups and hotlines operate throughout the country offering a sympathetic ear, advice and referrals. The services are available to lesbians, gay men and bisexuals, PWA and their family and friends.
Hotlines,switchboards and support groups. more
Ha Kav HaLavan - Agudah GLBT Hotline. more
The Agudah employs a part-time social worker, who supervises group facilitators and provides individual counseling.
A speakers bureau, which organizes lectures in schools, youth groups, and universities, etc. more
HIV and AIDS educational programming more
Lectures and special events at the community centers
Political activities include:
"Otzma" - the Agudah's political lobbying group
Cooperative work with local municipalities
Participation in the Knesset sub-committee on LGB issues
The Agudah has increased the visibility of the GLBT community in Israel in many different ways:
Israeli television history was made in 1996 when the Agudah first produced "Gayim L'hatzig" (Gays/Proud to Present), a weekly GLBT news and entertainment magazine.
Guest lecturers and authors from around the world have hosted open forums at the community centers. more
GLBT libraries in the community centers. more
The Haifa community center provides services for the northern communities. more
Collaborative efforts between the Agudah and Jerusalem's GLBT community organizations. more
The Agudah's youth groups are all over the country Afula and Eilat more
The Overseas Relations Committee, ORC, liases with LBG organizations and individuals around the world.
Bela Doeget - Aids Education
HaKvutza HaPtuha -THE OPEN GROUP for men, Mondays 20:00
B-gay Klali -students, every other Friday 14:00
Hod - religious LGBs
Hamon Aliza -women under 25,Tusdays
Tehila - parents of LBGs -last Thursday of the month 17:30
Zahal Bet - LGBs under 22 - Saturdays 19:30
Open House at the Community Center - Thursdays at 20:00
Cafe Plus - PWAs, friends and family,last Friday of the month 15:30
Yayin Noshan - gay men over 50.
"It's Pleasant to Touch" - Touching does not always mean sex. This
group for 18-22 year olds will meet Sundays, 18:00 - 20:00
English speaking Tehila (Parents of LBGs) meets, last Sunday of the
month 17:30
Oversees Relations Committee (ORC) first Thursday of the month 21:00
Rikudei Am (folk dance) group is forming.
Gay games Amsterdam 98 team group is forming.
Join us for a picnik every last Saturday of the month 14:00 at Sporteck Tel Aviv
HaKvutza HaPtuha -THE OPEN GROUP for men, Tuesdays 20:30
The Pink Silver Screen - LBG films -every other Thursday 20:30.
Youth group for 15-22 year olds - every other Saturday 19:00
Tehila -parents of LBGs - last Sunday of the month 18:00 back
Contact the "Agudah"
I am interested in the following:
Becoming a "Friend of the Agudah" Receiving further mailings from the Agudah Making a donation of __________ to the Agudah
Volunteering for the Agudah more
Learning more about the Agudah more
Receiving free e-mail news bulletins subscribe
City. State, Zip:_______________________________________
Please mail or fax this form to the Agudah at:
28 Nachmani Street
Tel: 972-3-6293681 - Fax: 972-3-5252341
Tax-deductible donations to the Agudah may also be sent via the
The New Israel Fund at:
(a one-year membership costs US $50)
(a donation of US $20 is requested to cover mailing costs)
P.O. Box 37604
Tel Aviv 61375
1625 K Street NW,
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20006,
Most of the The program was brodacsted in the Community Cable Chanel and partly suported financially by the Israeli .
It is posible to purchess VCR casetts of the programs from the Agudah. The first 5 programs have an English subtitle version avalable in PAL. For more information contact the Agudah.
Sub Committee on LGB Issues
Dayan, Yael - Chairperson
Beilin, Yossi
Blumenthal, Naomi
Chazan, Naomi
Darawshe, Abdul Wahab
Elon, Benny
Gozansky, Tamar
Itzik, Dalia
Lubotsky, Alexander
Maor, Anat
Solodkin, Marina
Vaknin, Yitzhak