So I'm gay, now what

Not so fast!! Are you really gay, or are you just unsure. Now's the time to find out. Think back to the first time that you found an interest in the same sex. If it involved pre-pubescent sexual activity, there is more hope than you know. You might only be bisexual, and able to be sexually attracted to a woman. If so, then follow thw advice of the Society carefully. Give Jehovah's power a chance to redirect your sexual desires. If you can get to the source of your desires you may be able to pray them away. List the things that attract you to the same sex and if they are things you lack in yourself then you fit the profile of the gay person who can change. Open your index and explore the awake articles on homosexuality. May Jehovah bless your efforts.

If you have homosexual feelings despite avoiding masturbation, and you were attached to your same sex parent more than the other, and are now past puberty and not sexually experienced your problem is much worse. I know, I am the same way. Don't worry, you still have many options.

First of all we need to set the limits. Your conscience will be the framework from which you will be within. Your bible knowledge gives you the rules to work with, setting your conscience. Your actions follow your conscience or else it bothers you. You know that if you are baptized or dedicated to Jehovah that you agreed to submit to the commandments of the Bible. What exactly are they??

!. Forget about the Mosaic Law, it is no longer applicable in its entirety.

This law only proved how imperfect we are and how we really need Jehovah's loving kindness to avoid our eventual eternal death. However, the old law gives valuable insight into what Jehovah hates and what he loves. That is one reason why we studied it and continue to consider it often. Following it will not bring us what we seek....

2. Open the New Testament and follow Jesus' example.

Jesus, as god's son was perfect in the human form. Therefore, he did not concentrate on sexuality. Adam was a perfect human in his beginning, but no sex was mentioned until after him and his mate lost perfection. Therefore a perfect human may be godlike, lacking a strong sex drive characteristic of animals. So no one could speculate that Jesus was having sex or was gay as some think. But his life was balanced and he did associate with many types of people. He contrasted the self-righteous religious leaders who did not follow their own commands. Christ himself commanded that his followers be humble, and forgiving yet firm in their beliefs. The most well known command is: You must love Jehovah your god with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole strength and with your whole mind, and, your neighbor as yourself" -Luke 10:27. Then the other commandment, the "golden rule"in Matthew 7:12 "All things , therefore that you want men to do to you, you must likewise do to them: this , in fact is what the Law and the Prophets mean. The words "you must" indicate a command that has to be followed to be a Christian. Yet neither of these condemn homosexuals, where is the problem?

Our savior did not need to condemn his people, this was left to the Apostles who had to build the congregation and dealt with unwholesome false religious practices. Homosexuality had always been seen as contrary to God's command to be fruitful and become many. Homosexual sex had been a part of false worship and was not to be a part of his people, whether Israel or his christian congregation. In Rome and Greece the men were practicing homosexual acts, often in the knowledge of many. So it was no surprise that it is condemned in Romans 1:26,27 and in 1Corinthians 6:9. These scripyures condemn certain persons and certain acts, so it is up to the reader to follow them.

Not everyone will accept these passages as a complete condemnation of homosexuality. What if two christians with homosexual tendencies decide to live together, ignoring the position of the Watctower Society's publications (and most bibles) then what? technically they are not against any of Jesus' commands, but they cannot be honest to others and therefore are hypocritical by design. Is this acceptable? Will you take this chance? I think that some do right now and we do not know it. Actually, if two men or women live together as roommates but have no sexual contact they remain clean and can excuse their lack of marriage easily. But how long can people in love resist going further? What if they do? Are you willing to take the chance? Sometimes I think about it, but it probably will never be an option for me. Whatever you do, if you study the life of Jesus, you will see that many things about him never made the scriptures. The example we need to follow is his concern for other's spiritual health. We do that by preaching to others, when we are not depressed by our own pretending not to be attracted to the same sex. Take heart, god is willing to forgive so we need to be humble now and do our best.


I am not the authority on spiritual things, nor sould you listen to my views on scriptures. You yourself are building a personal relationship with God and will face the consequences of your decisions. However right now there are things that you can do to put yourself in a better position to deal with your homosexual feelings.

1) Think of the possible complications before telling the elders! Allow yourself to come to terms with the feelings before telling anyone. Gossip spreads quickly and can ruin your reputation permenantly.

2) Do not have sex if you are a virgin!!!!!!!!! Sexual relations complicate the picture and will reqire the assistance of the elders. Do not learn the behavior of the experienced homosexual who just wants physical pleasure but concentrate on your own self-esteem first.Many "friendly" or "helpful" homosexuals will show interest in you only to engage in degrading sexual acts. Having sex with them is always a BAD thing.

3) Explore your personality by developing hobbies. Concentrating on kingdom interests only will not bring happiness but a balanced life gives you purpose each day.There is a time for everything, use it wisely

4) Improve your physical body. Eating healthy and getting enough sleep is important to aviod unneccesary illness. Depression can be reduced by regular excersise. With all of the out of shape brothers and sisters out there, you can try to look your best and you will not feel unattractive. Consider weight training to develop muscle but be careful in the gym if you go to one. The schedules we have- with work service and meetings are working against our keeping physically healthy so gym time may be difficult to find. Also the gym is an easy place to get involved in homosexuality so watch out!! Bodily training , after all, is beneficial for a little but spiritual things are by far the most important.

5) Make personal study a priority. The truth will set you free, get a better understanding of the scriptures the same way the Society does- read them, meditate on them, consider bible based commentaries from the Society, as well as bible scholars. Make the truth your own and it will guide you all of your life.

6) Get to know the gay culture but only as a spectator. If you know how the gay world really is, you will not want to be a part of it. Many homosexuals out there openly criticise other homosexuals who exist on a lifestyle of sex, drugs and self-destruction.You can read about homosexuals or just make a worldly acquaintance if you are mature enough not to have sexual relations. You may even watch a gay parade or sneak into a gay club- it is your decision and I do not know anything about it......

7) Avoid masturbation if possible. Self- service will not make you gay, but it can reinforce wrong desires. However some persons evidently use it as a way to calm out of cotrol sex drives, as well as avoiding certain health problems so it is your decision......Feeling gulity about sexual release is counterproductive if it helps you avoid temptation. Having release also helps keep some from looking at a woman (or man) in a way to commit adultery in his heart.

8) Rely on Jehovah in prayer. Talk to him when you feel tempted but do not be surprised if you remain homosexual in desire. Sometimes the answer to a prayer is no. The desire to be sexual is built in, and if it is somehow turned to homosexual, it may not be able to become heterosexual.

9) (optional) Write to me, I will share my experiences with you. Maybe we can help each other to cope. Anything I can do to help I will offer. Anything to keep you , the potentially gay witness from falling away. We can keep ourselves in the truth together, friend.