Silverfoxes Resource Page ©1998-2005
[ updated on 20th January 2005 ]

I'm no longer updating this page.
However, I am maintaining the
"Inretrospect - Silverfox Admirer" blog!

So check this out:

This webpage is accessible via

What is a Silverfox ?

A silverfox is simply a mature (as in age) gay/bisexual man.

I'm currently in the process of revamping this webpage with the intention of focusing more on (1) relationship-inclined sites, and (2) sites which discuss issues that concern silverfoxes and their admirers. For those who are familiar with my original resource page, you'll find it HERE (it is not updated and I have no intention of doing so).

Personals links

  • Yahoo Personals[Regularly Updated] - Straightforward and easy to use. Matches by location, aspirations and statistics. Three thumbs up! You need to have a Yahoo account (easy to apply and free).
  •[Regularly Updated] - Easy interface. Not very powerful search but it's convenient as it tries to seek matches and updates you through e-mail.
  • SeniorFriendFinder[Regularly Updated] - Personals focused on seniors. Minimum age required 35.
  • Apollonetwork [Regularly Updated] - Personals tend to be on the brief side. "Matching" ability isn't as sophisticated as Yahoo but ok.
  • Relocate4U [Regularly Updated] - The use of the search isn't very functional but it does contain a long list of personals. Friendly looking interface too.
  • Olderonline [Occasionally Updated] - Not that many personals but friendly search interface.
  • SeniorAdmirer [Occasionally Updated] - The personals are restricted to that of older men. Well-managed and easy on the eyes.
  • Ben Boxer [Occasionally Updated] - Also known as the silverfoxes clubhouse. Meant for silverfoxes and admirers. Has two "personals" category i.e. personal ads and profiles.
  • Caffmos [Occasionally Updated] - I've not assessed in great detail but looks like a pain to access.
  • Biggercity[Occasionally Updated] - This site is affiliated to Olderonline. Greater frequency of new ads as compared to olderonline and geared more towards to the heavier-boned.
  • GainrWeb [Occasionally Updated] - Low population of silverfox of the beefier genre.

Meeting/Socialisation Places

  • Gray and Gay [Occasionally Updated] - Contains favourite haunts by silverfoxes all over the world.

Online Meeting/Socialisation

  • Silverfox Mailing List - Mailing list subscribed to by silverfoxes and their admirers. Friendly list to ask for help on ANY matter (I think!).
  • Yahoo Messenger - An instant messaging (IM) service created by Yahoo (you need to apply for a Yahoo account which is free). Simple to use and supports video chats if you have a webcam. You need to know
  • ICQ - Another very popular instant messaging software. Has hundreds of millions of subscribers. It's not very usable as it contains TOO MANY UNECESSARY FEATURES in my opinion. However, it does have a very simple and straightforward web equivalent at this LINK.
  • AOL Instant Messaging (AIM) - Another popular instant messaging software from AOL. No, it doesn't require you to have an AOL account. Lots of users.
  • MSN Messenger - IM from Microsoft. Simple and straightforward. Very usable. I must admit I have not been using this but it was very user-friendly.
  • ICUII - You need to PAY for this videochat software. It's an online community evolving around picture messaging and video chats. Allows you to send quick messages (i.e. webcam photo snapshots/audio/video clips with text messages) to others. It has gay channels (called directories) that include gay seniors! Large user base (in the hundreds to a thousand during peak hours). Just be aware that a good number of users and in for online quickies.
  • ISPQ - Another popular PAY videochat software. Has gay communities as well but not a dedicated silverfox channel unlike ICUII. Has hundreds of users during peak hours. The user-interface isn't very user-friendly though. Can be rather sleazy at times too like ICUII.

This page has been browsed Counter times since 13th July 2003.