
TGirl Dreams

My Gender is Blended, not Shaken!

Hello, Dear Hearts!
I'm Joyce Diane Champion

(formerly known as:
I've had my site here since 04/27/98 14:28:06.

Notice: If you're offended by the subject of transgendered lifestyles, please stay!

This could do you some good!

People naturally like to put labels on others, so I created one for myself which seems to best describe my gender orientation. I'm an OG, Occasional Girl. I like defining my own boundaries whether inside or outside the gender community/subculture. Being an Occasional Girl allows me the flare and frivolity not normally acceptable for a male. I'm sure you'd like to know how often, where, how long, why, with whom, etc. All of that stuff will come out in time. For now, just enjoy watching this site evolve.
I'll see you out there, but will you see me?
KISS, KISS, Dear Hearts!
Please be patient while I design and author this site.

My interests include:
Musical composition, web page authoring, scuba diving, and exploring the "uninvited dilemma".
I also play piano, trumpet and French horn.

I use this page in my quest to find my lifetime partner and share with my dear-hearted friends.
Much like the mythological character, Psyche (of whom the Goddess Venus was terribly jealous), I too am looking for my dear Cupid!

I now live in sunny Santee, CA (near San Diego).
I'm looking to make new friends in the San Diego County area.
Email me if you have similar interests and would like to get in contact.

This site last updated March 8, 1999.

Java Photo Album (takes a couple minutes to load)

My Color Gallery!

My Black & White Gallery! New--September 7, 1998

My biography and other musings! Updated September 10, 1998

My Best Friend, Tina! New--September 16, 1998

Links to Some of the Internet's Dearest Hearts!

Guestbook by GuestWorld

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