She's a little girl with a little girl's love of teddy bears and soft cuddly things.
  puppies and any and all animals. I have never seen her hurt even a fly. Her heart has enough room for all of God's creatures .

But of all animals, she prefers pinguins best.. she LOVES snow and the colder the better  

She loves ruffles and lace, pastel colors but specially pink, mary jane shoes, ruffled panties, ice cream, chokkie (that's chocolate to you :)....)and strawberries, dipped in sugar .

She is usually a sweet little girl but she can and does throw tantrums at times. She can also be a bit of an egoist and does not always want to share...... not quite true *S*... She is not very happy to share her ice cream or chokkie or toys... *S* But I love her and indulge her.

When she has been very bad, then Mommy has no choice but to punish her or spank her... of course, since a diaper-clad butt would not feel anything, off must come the diaper...But I sometimes think that it hurts me as much as it does her *S*. However it IS a Mommy's duty to discipline bad little girls and boys...  

Debbie adores trains and her greatest joy was when I took her on her first "real" train ride

and she also loves airplanes

My Toy Box

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