Welcome to my homepage, you can call me "Penny". If you've got a few moments I'd like to share some of my hot little secrets with you, secrets nobody else knows except visitors to this site. This page is all about the side of me that sometimes yearns to come out to play when I'm all alone, all is quiet and the only thing that stirs... well, we can safely say it isn't a mouse.

- Geocites policy dictates that nudity is not allowed online -

    Secret Sauce - Some info on me and my secrets, if you're interested.
    Penny's Peepshow - A changing set of pictures, updated mostly monthly.
    Pose-O-Matic - Readers request a special pose, how do you want me?
    Brief Relief - True tales of crossdressing and panty fun, sent in by you.
    Naughty Neighbours - Readers pictures. True amateur panty wearers.

    Warning: If your mind is a little narrow, then surf off to playboy or somewhere equally macho. If you are just looking for nudie-pics and are of legal age then there are far better places to find them. Try the newsgroups or somewhere like www.anditv.com.

FREE WEBSPACE provided by www.geocities.com - Updated 17th November 1998.
Comments, requests, submissions, jpgs, indecent offers : penny_cd@hotmail.com