Before I start, I just want to apologise to everyone who may have written to me and not received a response. I've been offline for the past few months and unable to update my homepage, reply to my hotmails and generally act like a civilized human being. I am so Sorry everyone! It really was due to circumstances beyond my control -- no computer. I was suprised to find my homepage still online at geocites, don't they delete neglected pages I wonder? I hope you won't all be mad and come beating down my door in your heels and stockings, because I was unable to reply to you... Well, if you must! :)

If any of you were wanting to hear back from me about anything specific, then please take a minute to ask again. My box was so full with outdated messages, the hotmail bytecruncher took me to task and emptied my folders for me.

...everything is back to normal now...

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