What's New on the Prism Website?

What's New on the Prism Website?

Greeting all! Since I realize that sometimes it is hard to know what has been updated especially since this site seems to keep growing and changing everytime I am online, I decided to add a "what's new" page so you all can find the changes easier! As always if you have questions, comments, raves, rants, or concerns then you should email the MISTRESS otherwise you could always go HOME!!!

August 21st, 2000
Sorry for the long hiatus, things have been a bit bonkers. I edited the pictures page (took down pics of members that have moved on etc.) and will be adding pics as I have time to scan them and as people give them to me. Deleted the resource center goal from the Master Plan. Added the first meeting to the calendar (more updating to follow). Took down the fall 99 dance pictures. That is about it for now...just doing some housekeeping. I'll update as I have time and more information!

April 19th, 2000
Let's see...just a few changes here and there...I zapped the calendar page, I will put the roster up for next fall when I find out where our room is going to be, I also posted a notice on that page that the dance is April 29th! Check out the calendar page for the info. Our meetings are held in Ophelia Parish right now, though we only have 2 or 3 left at the moment. That is about it...

March 20th, 2000
Ok, I know I know I know, I have been a bad girl! I have just been really really insanely busy. Anyway, I updated the steering committee list and as a general announcement here, the dance is tentatively scheduled for April 29th, more info to follow as we get it together! Added a new link to the links page...Pride Saint Louis...check them out if you have the time! Sorry about the long delay everyone.

December 13th, 1999
Finally took down the Spring Drag show pics and added the Fall '99 Dance pics! Merry Christmas everyone!

September 24th, 1999
Updated the Calendar.

September 18, 1999
Fixed broken link on the Remember Matthew page, reformatted Links page, fixed the email addresses on the Membership page.

September 11, 1999
Added the Diversity Task Force page.

September 10, 1999
Updated the main page due to elections as well as the membership list.

September 5, 1999
Updated the Calendar.

September 3, 1999
Added the Spring 1999 Drag Pictures as well as updated the membership list!