
Bluehooks Diary

I started doing this diary in June. If you haven't been following have a look at the Cast of Characters which gives a quick low down on the essential day to day characters who are mentioned will make more sense if you do.


I knew it was going to be horrid weather today when I woke up cold having been too hot when I was going to sleep and shed everything I was wearing including the duvet. Fortunately the fire was still just about in and responded nicely to its morning feed of kindling. I was nearly finished my second coffee when Lorna came in and said we were having brunch today. This our new scheme for having a day time get together when the kids are at school. I still had to get dressed and empty out the ashes and fetch a sack of coal over and nearly had a disaster in the process while putting on my arm. I was holding it between my feet and as I pushed in it started to close and trapped a chunck of my foot in a vicious grip, in my panic to open it again I sent it into rotate mode and it started twisting my foot around relentlessly. It was one of those short moments that seem much longer before I remembered about the safety release lever and let myself go. I have to remember not to do that again.

Lorna had been into town and come back with croissants for the brunch and there was a distinct difference sitting at the table without kids present. The weather was as unpleasant as I had feared although I had dressed, optimisticly, in my working clothes (the muddy ones). I seemed to be finding excuses not to get out there and realised I had to go into town and pay off my credit card bill and collect my laundry and buy some 4 inch galvanised nails.... really, I did, I counted the nails I have and there was not enough to do the rest of the fencing.

When I got back Lorna and I agreed to go out and start running the strand of wire along the top of the rails, but not till 2.00pm and in the meantime Lisa popped round. I was really far more into sitting in the warm and talking to Lisa but we had agreed and Lorna came round promptly at ten past two (that's a Welsh time joke) so I had to get out there. I didn't have nearly enough clothes on, it wasn't so much the rain, it was the coldness of the wind and even if I had been wearing enough clothes I couldn't have worn a glove and my hand was going purple and would eventually go blue and the electric hand was no use at all being too chunky to grip the small staples and I only lasted about three-quarters of an hour. I wasn't even being helpfull and Lorna was quite happy to carry on so I went back into the warmth where Lisa had fallen asleep in front of the fire. I must remember to wear proper clothes, part of this is the legacy of the last arm I had which required me to wear a strap and I couldn't wear too many layers of clothes because I had to roll all the sleeves up past my elbow. However I can now wear as many layers as I like so I need to actually do that. No point even thinking about going out there tomorrow without thermal underwear and several wooly jerseys on, all I had on today was a vest, a t-shirt and a thin sweatshirt with a pair of dungarees which have gapping holes down the side exposing bare flesh to the wind chill factor.

After Lisa had departed I began to reorganise my 'portfolio'..... much of which dates back to 1990, '91 and '92. The 92-96 gap is a big one and I went through my files and started to print up anything recent which has actually been used anywhere. That took me up till dinner time and then beyond. After that I became obsessed with wanting to use my graphics tablet which has been a hassle to setup ever since I started using the modem. I just couldn't get it to run, I did all the usual shit. I had to resort to the book in the end and after that I had to resort to messing about with my extensions, all of which invloved a multitude of restarts but I do now have one set of extensions I can use with the tablet and one that I can use with the modem so apart from having to restart to switch them that's ok becaue I don't need them at the same time. But it did take up a surprising amount of time and I did then have to go visit Wacom and download the latest driver and plug-ins which took up even more time.

And then I did have to draw a goat.

And now it's really late and I didn't want to be up this late.

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