GOSH! Well, things have certainly changed, haven't they? My life has been a real rollercoaster ride lately, and I think I'm finally ready to step off, go sit down, and have a nice lemonade!
I've learned a lot lately - most importantly, that I am a valuable and beautiful woman, and I deserve to have exactly what I want, on my terms and in my own way.

Now, for all the rest of you, a little about me. Let's see. I am a lesbian (like you couldn't figure that out, right?). I have met the love of my life, and we are engaged to be married some time soon. I love her more than life itself, and we are making an incredible family together.
But enought mushy stuff! About me...I like to do all the typical things - read, write, surf the web, chat at mIRC and MSN Messenger and Yahoo pager (because ICQ won't work behind the firewall at work), play with my son (he's 5 now, and TALL!), and generally just be outside doing anything I can. I can be a real attitude problem when I want to be. If you don't believe me, click on this link...see how I feel about the world!
Cynic's View of Life!
Okay, now that you know that side of me, know that there's a romantic side, too. I won't get into THAT right now... sooner or later I'll be able to let it out again.
So to all of you... PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE e-mail me at the address below. I would love to just chat, meet new friends and learn all about you!
Tell me where you are from, what you like to do, and leave your e-mail address so I can get back to you. My e-mail address will take you to hotmail and you can leave me a short message.

If you'd like to know my poetic nature, then go to My Poetry Page. It has been transplanted from The Dark Side, at last. So if you would like to read some of my creations, please click on the cute little cloud button below...

Talk to you soon!