Still a little weak in the knees, but completely sure that I wanted to hunt this woman down and find out who she was, I left the glass of water sitting on my table and dashed out the door to see where she went. I was hoping that I would catch her before she drove away, and as luck would have it, that's what happened.

As I ran out the door, I saw her - standing in the far corner of the small parking lot in a darkish corner, trying to start the most gorgeous piece of motorcycle machinery I'd ever seen. I don't know much about Harleys, but I knew that this was a very large and powerful one. It was jet black and chromed out, and it was large enough to look frightening from a distance. She was standing over it, making herself look smaller than I knew she was, and trying to get it to start, cussing it under her breath as it wouldn't catch and turn over.

"Got a problem?" I asked, walking up to her. Her head snapped up and she looked at me, the cockiness gone for an instant while she panicked, realizing that I'd found her and was so close. Then the attitude kicked in again, and she muttered, "Yeah, looks that way. Something wrong with the starter, I guess. Have to rebuild it this weekend." I smiled and nodded as she sat back on the seat, pulling off her leather gloves.

"You know," she began, "you weren't supposed to catch me out here. That's not the way this works. I'm supposed to be long gone by now, nothing but a shadow to you. But it looks like I'm getting to be a little more real to you than I wanted to be, huh?" I smiled at her and nodded, and stuck out my hand. "I'm Olivia, and you can be just as real as you want to be - or as much of a shadow. I'll turn around and walk away from you right this minute, if that's what you want. I just wanted to tell you thanks for in there, and that you are really fucking beautiful." She startled and got a sideways little grin at my language, then grabbed my hand in a firm grip. What she did next, though, wasn't expected. Using that handshake as a chance to have a grip on my hand, she jerked me towards her, right off my feet! I nearly fell into her, but she caught me, her strong leather-clad arm wrapping around my waist as she pulled me tight against her.

Her lips found my ear, and biting down on the lobe, talking through her teeth, she said, "You want real, huh?" I couldn't nod without taking off part of my ear, so I muttered an, "Mmm Hmm" and she let go of my ear. She reached down with her ungloved hand to cup my pussy, and squeeze lightly. "I'll give you real," she said. I just stared at her. She pushed me back from her, but cautioned, with a pointing finger and a demanding voice, "Don't move!" I stood very still while she stood up on the kickstarter, and with an animal-like growl, stomped down. The Harley roared to life, seeming to almost imitate her throaty sounds, and she motioned for me to get on behind her. I looked down at my skirt, then back at her.

"You'll just have to hike it up, baby," she said, "and sit real close so no one sees your…LACK of panties." Then she laughed, and the laugh was so sweet and sexy - yet so deep and full of gravel - that I knew I was going to leave one hell of a wet spot on the leather of that Harley and the back of her tight black jeans. I climbed on, hiking and tucking the skirt so that it didn't get caught in any vital parts of the bike, then wrapping my arms around her - a perfect fit.

"Hold on," she growled, and we took off, the wind catching my hair and blowing it back away from my face. I could smell her cologne as we wound through the city streets, then away from the lights into the suburbs. I had no idea where she was taking me, no idea where we would end up…hell, I didn't even know her last name. I was crazy to be doing this, even crazier to be thinking about doing anything with this woman I didn't even know - but I couldn't help myself. She was so beautiful and sexy, and her attitude seemed to grab my heart and mind and not want to let go - and I didn't think I wanted her to.

The vibration of the Harley was starting to work on my completely-exposed upper thighs and pussy, and I leaned against her, feeling her breathing as I held onto her. She glanced over her shoulder at me, giving me a cocky smile again, and I smiled back. We were out of the city now, and getting far enough away from civilization that her headlight was a beam cut into the blackness ahead of us. If not for her pale complexion and the bike's gleaming chrome, she would have disappeared completely in the dark. She turned her head back again, the with a flick of her wrist, gunned the bike's speed and we took off, nearly doing a wheelie with the change. I grabbed her tighter, and could feel, if only barely hear, her laughter at my alarm.

A few miles down the road, I could see a farm house sitting high on a hill above a field of flowers. Most of the farms out here were corn or soybean fields, or other similar crops. For there to be a field of flowers was highly unusual. As we approached it, she slowed, and turned into the driveway. I noticed that the flowers in the field in front of the house were arranged in blocks and rows, one type here, another there. Some of the plants had no flowers, just leaves. Strange… I couldn't figure it out. They all appeared to be wildflowers, not carnations or roses or daisies or anything else a florist might use. A sign hung on the white fence that framed the driveway gave no clue, either - "Tyler Farms".

She ground the bike to a halt in front of the house, and shut it down. The sudden shift from the roar of the Harley to the complete country silence of the farm was almost creepy. She climbed off the bike and offered me a hand, helping me from the leather. It was a change for her, from cocky to kind, her suddenly being a gentlewoman butch. I didn't know what to make of it, but took it in stride as best I could.

She glanced at the leather seat of the Harley, and grinned a small grin at the moisture that was there. She looked at me then with a gleam in her eye, turned on the heel of her boot, and walked away, up the porch steps and to the screen door.

She glanced back at me, still standing by the bike, and said, "C'mon." I didn't know if it was an offer or an order, but this sudden transformation had me wondering about Chris. I followed her up the steps and entered the house as she held the screen door for me.

"So, you want coffee or tea or something?" she asked me, leading the way into the kitchen. I followed her, wondering where THIS woman came from, after the take-charge woman I'd seen in the bar. I mumbled about tea, and she nodded and grabbed an old metal teapot from the stove. Filling it at the sink, she started shucking her black leather jacket (white t-shirt underneath, just as I'd suspected there would be) and hung it over the back of the nearest dining room chair. She went back to the sink and shut off the water and took the teapot back to the stove. Reaching into the cabinet, she grabbed two large, mis-matched coffee mugs and a canister of something that appeared to be dried leaves of some sort. She sat it down and reached in a drawer to pull out two spoons and two things that looked like metal golfballs on a chain.

"What the hell is that?" I asked. She looked at me, puzzled, then at her hands. "Oh," she said, "Tea ball. Put the loose stuff in here, dunk it in the water, makes tea." I nodded, wondering, actually, what the loose leaves were. I sat down at the table, and she scooped some of the mixture into the tea balls, then dropped them into the mugs, pouring hot water over them. When she'd done that, she turned to me and said, "That will take 5 minutes, time enough for me to do this," and she walked over, jerked me out of the chair by the shoulders, and kissed me, roughly. I gasped as soon as she pulled away, amazed.

She walked back over to the cabinet and picked up the coffee cups, sitting them on the table. "Hot," she said, and I assumed she was talking about the tea, not the kiss or me. I assumed wrong though, when she lightly brushed across her obviously-erect nipples with one finger, looking at me with a gleam in her eye once again.

"Come here," she said, and like a puppet I rose and walked toward her. I realized once again that she was slightly shorter than me, and smaller. I wondered what she had in mind, and I soon found out - as she grabbed me around the waist, lifted me, turned around, and sat me on the counter! I squealed as my feet left the ground, and she laughed as I landed, then kissed me before I could protest. Her lips found mine, then slowly slid along my jawline, down my neck, across my collarbone, and she began to unbutton my blouse, kissing the skin she exposed. I sighed, but knew that I wanted one thing more than to let her have me again - I wanted to have her, instead.

With a shove of my hand and a well-placed foot, I pushed her away and held her there. "Oh, no, you don't, Chris. I don't think so." She looked at me, shocked, as I grabbed the front of her t-shirt on my descent from the counter. I started walking toward her, pushing her somewhat, in front of me, until she was away from the table and the hot mugs of tea. I jerked her towards me, and she fought momentarily until she looked in my eyes. I had adopted the look of pure determination and lust, and she stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of it.

"Now, Miss 'I don't care who you are'…you're mine." I turned her around and slammed her against the refridgerator, hearing plastic magnets clacking to the floor as they were knocked loose. She "umph"-ed as she hit it, then looked at me. One look at the front of her, and I knew how she was feeling - erect nipples and heavy breathing. I leaned against her and felt something I hadn't noticed before -- she was packing! Oh, God - my fantasies were definitely coming true tonight!

I smiled, and she realized what I'd just discovered. I looked at her and she nodded, whispering, "That's right. I'm packing. And I intend to use it soon enough on you, sweet thang. You go ahead and have your little fun here for a minute - but know that I can take over at any time." I grinned, knowing that I had 2" and 50 pounds on her, easily. But knowing, too, that she had picked me up just a few minutes before like I was a tiny girl. I didn't let it stop me, though, or her attitude - just went on with what I wanted, knowing that as my passion grew, so would my strength.

I pulled at the front of her t-shirt, pulling it out of her jeans, kissing her all the while. She let me, I guess, but I liked to think that I actually had control. I slid my hands under her t-shirt, finding that she was actually wearing a bra, and not an undershirt - something unusual for a butch like her. I pulled her shirt up over her head, and she helped me take it off, and I bent to kiss her chest, just above and between her breast, hearing her sigh as I did. It wasn't often that a butch like her would have let me take her this way, but the small voice in my head knew that she was still in control of me…and that everything I did was at her discretion. I could feel her hands twining in the back of my hair as I kissed and flickered my tongue along the edge of the bra, then slowly slid my fingers inside to expose her beautiful breast. Pulling the cup away, I took her nipple into my mouth…and she jerked my head away from her. "Get off of them," she growled, and I looked at her. I resumed kissing her, this time on her stomach as I knelt in front of her, all the while waiting for some signal or sign that I was exciting her more than I thought I was. I reached up to unbutton her jeans, expecting her to stop me, but she didn't. I unbuttoned them, unzipped, pulled them slowly down until I exposed what I wanted to see - the strap-on cock she'd hidden there for me to find. It was natural looking (well, as much as a piece of latex rubber can be) and seemed to be 'normal' size. She reached down, gripping it by the base, and brought it out to point at my face. I didn't know if she was going to ask me to suck it, was going to hit me in the face with it, or what, exactly. I just looked up at her, and she stared at me for a moment.

"Get up," she growled, and I got to my feet, slowly, as if mesmerized. She pulled me to her once again, leaning back against the fridge, her hands coming up to grab my tits while her 'cock' ground against my pussy - a pussy that was now so wet my juices were running down the inside of my legs. She slid her hands around me, about chest high, then… and backed me against the table. Without warning, she shoved, and I fell backwards onto the table, half-sitting, half-lying down. She grabbed the hem of my skirt, throwing it up to cover my face, and by the time I could claw my way out from underneath it, she'd grabbed me behind the knees, walked up close, and buried that cock deep in my soaking pussy. I cried out with pleasure as she went deep, and began to shuttle herself in and out, slowly.

I pushed the skirt down somewhat, and she leaned over, her hands beside me, her hips continuing to work down below, where I could barely see them. I could feel how wet I was, and knew that she could, too. She kept sliding in and out, now, staring me in the face and watching my every move. I could feel the table rocking beneath us, knowing that it was older and not so steady. I also knew that there were still two mugs of fairly hot tea behind me, and I wondered if she remembered that. I soon found out that she not only remembered - but planned it just that way.

She pulled the front of my blouse open, ripping loose the remaining buttons, sending them scattering across the floor to join the magnets. She pulled my shirt open, exposing my breasts, shoving the shirt away from them so that she could lean in and suck first one, and then the other nipple. I sighed as she nibbled and licked at them, feeling the orgasm beginning to build as she worked. As she heard my breathing become heavier, felt my hips moving, she began to thrust harder…harder…and as she did, the hot tea began to slop about in the cup - and over the rim. With her leaning on me, and me on the table, it made the table slant lightly - but enough for that hot tea to run down and puddle against my body. It wasn't boiling or scalding, and the sensation of a light trickle of hot fluid was enough to arrouse me like I'd never been before. When she saw my arrousal, she continued to thrust harder and harder, until she knocked first one, and then the other cup over. As the liquid reached me, she leaned and and took my more sensitive nipple in her mouth and bit down, throwing me over the edge into my orgasm, and I screamed, my entire body shaking with the power of the sensations rocking over me.

As it subsided, so did her thrusts, and I sighed in pleasure. Getting up from the table with her help, I stood as she grinned, her sloppy wet 'cock' still hanging from her pants. "Wow…" was all I could say, and she walked away, crooking a finger to indicate I should follow her. I slid my sopping wet blouse off and walked topless through her house, my skirt wet at the back, too, as I followed her to the bathroom. Ah, the infamous bathroom again - she seemed to have a fixation with them.

We went into the room, headed for the bathtub, where she started the water and turned on the shower, waiting until the water got warm and then murmuring, "You probably wanna wash up - why don't you get in there…" I nodded, and slid my skirt off, stepping out of my shoes, removing my garter belt and stockings, and stepped into the tub. I stood beneath the hot water, feeling the stickiness of the tea washing off, as well as the juices that had built up between my legs and down into the crack of my ass. I closed my eyes as the water cascaded down over me, and leaned back against the tub wall. But before I knew it, I heard the shower curtain, and she joined me, now naked, letting me see for the first time the entirety of her, the real her. And I discovered that she was even more beautiful without her clothes than she was with them on.

She took a bar of soap and silently began to wash me with it, and turned me with my back to her as she gently washed off the residue of the tea that was left. The dichotomy in her - the rough and tumble butch who'd fucked me until the table rocked, balanced with the woman who was now caressing me with a bar of soap as though I were made of porcelain and crystal, fragile as a spring blossom. I didn't know what to make of her, but I knew that something was happening inside me at that moment, something I was puzzled about - I could feel her ways beginning to touch my heart.

I turned, gently, then, and took her chin in my hand. No force this time, as I lifted her face to mine and leaned in, a sweet and slow kiss given. She sighed against my mouth, and I knew this was what she craved, what she wanted. I leaned her gently back against the side of the tub, and took the soap from her hand, caressing her gently with it, kissing her as the soap cascaded down and away from her skin, following them down, down. I put the soap back in it's cradle on the wall, then slowly slid my soapy hand down to find her crevice, which was (to my surprise) soaking with her juices already. I slid my fingers in, and she nestled her head against my shoulder, rocking against my fingers as they manipulated her clit, sliding occasionally back to tease at penetration. She kept rocking, making small sounds as her hands dug into my back, and then suddenly she was shaking, clasping at me, gasping, and I could feel her pussy spasming against my hand and knew that she was there. Without a word, I wrapped my arms around her and held her, and she lay her head against my chest, silently, as the water cascaded over us.

I didn't know what had begun here, or where it was going. But at this moment in time, nothing mattered but the two of us, naked, here, beneath the hot water, together.








The end of Chapter 2