Welcome to My Poetry Page!

This is some of my poetry (a very very small amount!)... I will be posting some here as I write it and think that perhaps it is good enough for mass consumption. So, keep watching for new poetry, and send me some mail...let me know what you think!

I'm taking a Fiction Writing Course - I'll be posting some of the things that I write for that class here, as well as links to some of my other writing.

visitors to this page since 7/9/98 at 5 p.m. CST


For such a long time,
I was


floating in a sea of calm waves.
Some days, blue
Others a friendly green,
But always quiet.
Then I met you,
A splash of yellow sun,
Crimson Fire,
Shocking neon brightness in the middle of my nightbrain.
At first I was startled by you,
Then grew to feel warmed by your light.
I looked forward to seeing you,
Feeling you around me,
Smiling just because I felt good.
We circled each other from a distance, never touching domains,
My waves reflected your light...
You scattered diamonds across my water each noontime,
Rubies at Sunrise and Amber at Sunset.

Suddenly, a hurricane, and my waves leapt up,
Brushing your sunshine,
You, startled by me, for a change...
You pull away.

And it has become Autumn,
Cold has set in for good, now.
The waves around me begin to turn dark.
I miss that summertime of my soul,
When your sun was bright.
I miss the diamonds of noon, rubies of Sunrise,
The heat you made me feel.
The mystery lies in what winter will bring:
Freezing Temperatures and iced-over thoughts?
Or the light, warming me, thawing out
The hidden glacier that is inside.

Kerri 9-30-97

To have something
Thinking it is mine alone
(Though I knew it wasn't true)
And then to Find
That millions know about it
Gives a feeling of untold vertigo

Kerri 10-7-97

Circling me
Scales sensual touching
Fire in their bellies
Blood on their teeth
Death on their lips

I can feel her breath on my neck
And yet

She doesn't even know I am there

Kerri 10-17-97

Overwhelming Happiness
Has enveloped me
Like a satin robe
Slick and cool and sweet

I can smell her on me
Still to this moment
Feel the touch of her lips against mine

She is out there
At least for the moment

I dream that some day we will be together
But for now I can only have her temporarily
Until she is out of her life.

The waiting is hard,
But I am willing
To wait for the perfection I know we could be.


He is my morning sun
The dew on my petals
The song in my heart

He doesn't believe me yet
Doesn't believe in me yet
But I will make him see
That I am what I say

Take my hand and fly with me
I know you can not, now
But I will wait, in my tree
Until you have untangled yourself
And are ready to take that leap
For Virg...

December 8, 1997

Here are some links for you to read more of what I've written. I want everyone to be AWARE that the three chapters listed under "Chris and Olivia" are lesbian erotica. They are graphic and explicit. If it offends you - don't say I didn't warn you, alright? And if you're under 18 - don't you DARE click on that link. I have a special tracking thing that keeps track of the ISP of everyone who clicks on it, and I will find you and tell your parents. To everyone over 18 - Richard Nixon and I have a lot in common on the last item. *grin*

Lesson One - to have one of my characters describe me:
MacKenzie Speaks
Lesson Two - Activating the senses. Writing 8 sentences to express the eight senses (Touch, taste, smell, sight, sound, time, space, and unknown); then, create a paragraph to include all 8 senses:
Eight is Enough
Lesson Three - Point Of View. Taking a piece of my writing, then pulling out one paragraph and changing the point of view.
The Muppet Show
Lesson Four - Conflict. Create a conflict over something minor between characters, then make it grow into something bigger and bigger, and leave it unresolved.
The Rose Garden

Chris and Olivia
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
More chapters coming soon....

In case you missed my other page, here is a picture of me... and my best friend Angie...taken when we were still girlfriends. We've since went our separate ways, but she's always gonna be my best friend in the world. That's me on the left in the white shirt (gee, could I have combed my hair first? LOL) and the gorgeous one is her... *g*

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