While setting up a store for my company in San Antonio we played a game called "Gay or Straight for a day". We had to say who we would "do" if we had to do someone of the sex we were not primarily attracted to. For example as a Gay man I choose Calista Flockhart(Ally McBeal), Juliet Binoche (of Blue and The English Patient), and Jeri Lynn Ryan (Seven of Nine on Star Trek Voyager). So, as a student of the Human condition I am trying to find who people find attractive in the gender they are not normally attracted to. After I have gathered some data I will share the results on our page.
Enter your name or Psuednym:
What is your orientation?: Gay Male Lesbian Straight Male Straight Female Bisexual
If you are Gay which Three women would you consider "being with"? If you are a Lesbian which men?
If you are straight what members of the same sex would temp you?
If your choice should browse our page what is your E-mail address?(optional)