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So I guess this is me: Delano
and this is my boyfriend Laurens

Something about me:

My name is Delano Roberto Becker

On IRC my name is cK . because when I have to spell my last name I always have to say: 'with CK'. But I'm not easy, or often to find on IRC, since my laptop broke down last year. For now I work for a smal computercompany which is specialized in giving courses for computerapplications and I'm the office-manager.
So I guess my hobbies are my boyfriend (Laurens) and computers and going out in the city of course. Laurens works as a construxion-worker (a REAL man!!!) for the movies. He lives at a big farm in Rotterdam (Feyenoord) and I live in an appartment in the centre of Amsterdam (Ajax)
This is my 1st HomePage, so there are not too many linx , or a guestbook. So maybe you can help me by mailing me, so this will be a nice Page to visit.




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 Copyright © 1999 # cK - Delano    Amsterdam
Last modified: 11-11-1999