It all started some 25 years ago as my sexuality was born. And through the years as I got better and also could afford it, Christina surfaced. No, that is not all correct. The name was not Christina in the beginning, that was not necessary. I only talked to myself about her and I used my own name like everybody else when we are talking to ourselves. But when I went online a few months ago, I needed a name for the woman-me and I came up with Christina Dane. It´s pretty, it describes something about me (guess what), it does not sound anything like my male name and it has some great initials.

But now to the basics: (born and raised in the metric system)

Age: 29 years and lots of months
Weight: 93 kilograms, some of them at the wrong places and some of them at the right places.
Height: 180 centimeters, heels not included, even though they should be, because they are always there.

Everything considered, a big girl, both here and there. So it takes a bit of work to be presentable, but you must agree its worth it.

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