This page is for any Tips and Advice that girls would like to pass on to other girls, so please email me any ideas you have as Im sure we can all learn from each other.Also further down the page is my "UPDATES" section where I add all the latest things that have happened to me.

F irst of all, when you are choosing what clothes to buy or wear ,please look at how genuine girls dress,you will find that they dress very different from how you were thinking of dressing ! This all depends of course on if you are having a quiet or "sexy" night at home or a daytime shopping spree,I know its fun to wear that short little skirt and 5" heels but I promise you that you will be "read" immediately walking down the high street in them. * Crossing one foot infront of the other as you walk helps to give you a feminine swing as you walk. (dont over do it )
* Also along the same lines as above,be very discreet when applying your daytime make up,this is probibly the biggest mistake we all make (me too ) but as before ,what works at night at home, or in a club, wont work in the daytime,the best thing I can recommend is to do your make up ,then ask a genuine girl what SHE thinks! (be prepared to take a lot off). For breasts I have a couple of quite funny tips....One I discovered with a friend of mine while we pondered the fine art of creating a cheap breast form .Take an old stay up or stocking leg (preferably a skin coloured one) and put in 2 hands full of rice !then spin it around so as to seal it, then thread it through itself and spin it again,do this a number of times to give the "breast" a few layers of "skin" then just tie it, and cut off any extra..... SHAZAM ! a breast form that moves ! The second tip is from an Australian TG friend of mine (I wont name her as shes too shy and would probibly keel over unconcious if she saw her name on my page :)) She discovered that filling up balloons with a sensible amount of water also made great breast forms,A word of warning though to those who will try this example, Hers exploded one night all over her computer as she was talking to me,I cant tell you what happened as I was upside down on the floor crying with laughter and so missed the ending ! MORE COMING SOON

For the first appointment with my Doc I was nervous as could be , I mean..what do you wear ! In the end I settled for a pair of light beige suede look trousers and a long feminine black sweatshirt type thing with padded shoulders and a pair of shoes with only a slight heel. The appointment went great ! and he is a really nice understanding gentleman, He asked me loads of questions and had me tell him my lifes story and we sat and talked about my feelings and plans etc.. for quite a while. Towards the end of the appointment he told me that after listening to my story and due to the way I had answered his questions etc..that he had no doubt whatsoever that i was a "Grade 1" (My Term) Transsexual and that because of this he would definately make time for me and start my treatment at once ! The question now was what treatment would be best for me , keeping in mind that I must be able to "cover up " at certain times ? We decided to go with the stick on patches called "CLIMARA" which contains Estradiolum, you put a patch on each breast and leave it on for a week and then change them for new ones, they release a constant flow of hormones into your body over this time and are considered to be one of the safest forms of hormone treatment.The patch itself looks like an oval piece of transparent plastic.Some people can get a skin reaction from wearing the patches but I found that all i got was a mild itching sensation around the edges of the patches .Do they work ? OH YES ! Within 2 months they were having a very definite effect on my body including breast growth,skin texture changing, and bringing about a definate lack of interest in sex and and limiting the function in that department ! Then at my next appointment we decided that as everything was going so well we would now boost the medication by adding the pills "PREMARINA" Then after around 2 ½ months , Before even beginning to take the pills, I STOPPED THE TREATMENT ! The reason for doing this was basically that I panicked and got scared (maybe the effects from the hormones )! it happened when I had to go to the "normal" doctor with a case of influensa, and when he needed (and his nurses ) to examine me and do xrays etc...I got really concerned that they would see what was happening to me and start asking questions and that within no time at all the whole town would know about me, and that would then bring problems for my wife and my daughter I panicked and stopped everything. A number of weeks later it was time for my Appointment with my "Hormone Doctor" and I was really scared to go and see him ,I felt Id let him down after he had done so much for me, but he was great about it all and very understanding, although he said it was not a good idea to suddenly stop the treatment, it should be gradually phased out. Anyway after a long discussion (and because I really didnt want to stop the treatment) we decided to try the cream/gel instead of the patches.The cream is called DIVIGEL and also contains Estradiol although it is not as strong as the patches. With the cream/gel I must rub it into the breast area everyday.
I am now considering beginning on the patches again and adding the pills.......

" To Transexuality"

By Natalie Angier

The New York Times National Edition, Thursday, 2-Nov-95

A structure deep within the brain, where the tangled roots of sexuality are thought to lie, differs substantially between ordinary men and transsexuals. Researchers in the Netherlands have discovered that a region of the hypothalamus, located at the floor of the brain, is about 50 percent larger in men than in women, and almost 60 percent larger in men than in male-to-female transsexuals. If smallness of this brain structure is at all correlated with the feeling of being a woman, the results raise tantalizing possibilities that transsexuals may in a sense be more female than females. The discovery is the first detection of a difference in transsexual brains and could at least partly explain why such individuals describe themselves as "women trapped in men's bodies." The finding may also cast light on the larger issue of sexual identity, of what makes a person feel comfortable--or tormented--in the skin of a man or a woman. Significantly, the region of the hypothalamus does not differ in size between gay and straight men, and so it cannot be said to play a role in male sexual orientation. Other recent studies have focused on identifying minor brain discrepancies between homosexual and heterosexual men, in general reporting that gay brains appeared comparatively feminine. Such findings, which remain deeply contested, have troubled many people for the simple reason that gay men overwhelmingly think of themselves as men, not as abnormal women. But genetic men who undergo sex reassignment often claim that they felt like girls from early childhood on. Dr. Dick F. Swaab of the Netherlands Institute for Brain Research in Amsterdam, who with his colleagues is reporting the work in today's issue of the journal Nature, emphasized that this section of the hypothalamus is by no means the entire source of sexual identity. "I'm convinced this is only one structure of many that are involved in such a complex behavior," he said. "This is just the tip of the iceberg." In addition, the study remains to be replicated by other researchers, which will not be easy. It was performed by dissecting the autopsied brains of transsexuals, homosexual men, heterosexual men and heterosexual women. Because transsexuality is rare, it took the scientists 11 years to collect six transsexual brains. But while the number of transsexual brains examined is small, Dr. Swaab said the results has scientific power because the discrepancies in size of the hypothalamic structure were quite large. Others in the field concur. "These are astonishing data," said Dr. Geert de Vries, a neurobiologist at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. In heterosexual and homosexual men, the bed nucleus measures about 2.6 cubic millimeters, about the size of the colorful, spherical head of a pushpin. In women, it averages 1.73 millimeters, and in transsexuals the average figure is 1.3. !!!!! Some scientists cautioned that the estrogen treatment the transsexuals took as part of their sex-change therapy might have affected the size of their hypothalamus; but the Dutch researchers tried to rule out that factor by including brains of transsexuals who had stopped estrogen years earlier, as well as brains of men and women with varying hormonal conditions. In no case did the size of the bed nucleus appear to be influenced by adult hormone levels. Dr. Joy Diane Shaffer, director of the Seahorse Medical Clinic in San Jose, Calif., and herself a transsexual, said the results jibed with those that she and her colleagues were gathering, using a very different approach to brain analysis. They are using magnetic resonance imaging technology to scan the brains of hundreds of living people, including heterosexuals of both sexes and transsexuals of both directions. Their method would not pick up differences in the tiny bed nucleus, but it may observe differences in other, larger structures, like the corpus callosum, which connects the two hemispheres of the brain. Dr. Swaab proposes that the sexual variances in the size of the bed nucleus arise during fetal development, and thus are essentially built in. But Dr. Roger Gorski, a neurobiologist at the University of California at Los Angeles, said the possibility could not be ruled out that the changes in the hypothalamus occurred after birth, perhaps as a result of one's behavior while growing up, or even during early adolescence when a surge in sex hormones flooded the brain.