Nicky and Patti - Part 2

an original story by Abbeygail

Part Two
The Babies.

Nicky and Patti continued to see each other leading up to the birth of the Nicky's first baby. Patti was the one who called the ambulance, when the contractions started. Patti held her hand and comforted her.

The baby was a BOY, much to both Nicky's and Patti's horror, they both wanted a Girl, Nicky's, boyfriend Lee was delighted. The baby weighed 6lbs 9ozs, and they decided to call him Stephen. Nicky stayed in hospital for three days, and Patti was the first to welcome them both home. Patti had put on a new dress for the occasion, it was a pretty red and yellow checked dress.

Patti had being playing Mummies and baby with Abbeygail, who had been in diapers for a couple of days. Abbeygail was fed up of being the baby, but her older Sister, was always in charge, so she did as she was told, or else.

A week after Nicky had arrived home Patti visited Mother and Baby, and spent the day with them. Nicky's breast's were now full of milk and Patti watched on as she breast fed little Stephen. Stephen however was dressed in a Pink Romper suit, and as he had masses of hair the girls kept calling him Stephanie. They thought this was very funny, a boy/girl baby.

Patti was jealous of the baby and of Nicky's breasts. As she lay in bed at night kept on massaging her own in attempt to en-large them. Abbeygail was amused, and left her some tissue paper and note which said "Bra Filler", Patti was annoyed.

That night Patti laid in bed and dreamed of the time she had spent intimately with Nicky, she could smell the her odour. She went to her chest of draws, and took out the old 'G' String, that Nicky had forced on her. She closed her eyes as she put them on, pretending she was with Nicky again. First she fondle her right breast's, then left breast, then both together, this made hr toes curl, and sent a tingling through her body. She started to stroke the inside of her leg, first one, then the other, and then both, she was wet between her legs, as she came she cried out "Oh, Oh, Nicky, Yes Oh, Nicky" her body shuddered. Now she started she play with her clit, until she climaxed, climaxed, climaxed. Patti repeated this twice more during the night, "Oh hell" she said "I want TIT'S like Nicky's, either on my BODY or in my MOUTH".

Saturday could not come soon enough for Patti, why did I had to go to school, she wondered, when all I want to have a sex life ?, school, just gets in the way. At 9-00am on Saturday she was in Nicky's bedroom helping with the baby. Nicky was attempting to breastfeed Stephen, he was having none of it "Come Stephen,", encouraged Patti "Some of us would die to suck your Mum's Breast's !" Nicky looked up and smiled sweetly. Stephen took some of his feed and dropped off to sleep.

"I have a present for you Patti" said Nicky, "Mum and I sorted out all my old dresses. Mummy found them in old suitcase that we did not unpack until yesterday". She opened the wardrobe there were about seven or eight pretty, little dresses, "And if they don't fit Abbeygail can have them", Patti did not want to give anything to her little sister, except perhaps a good a spanking.

Nicky held out a Pink dress with blue flowers on it, it had a rounded collar in white lace, and was a silk material. Nicky asked her to ear it for her, Patti would do anything for Nicky, even if she thought it was a bit babyish. She looked radiant, in Nicky's dress, and felt a million dollars.

Mrs. Samson came in and offered to take Stephen with her to the shops and the park, in fact anywhere she could go to show off her grandchild. Patti was all for this as she could now be alone with Nicky.

When they had gone Nicky went to her underwear draw and took a frilly pair of baby type pants, a larger than usual diaper, "From now on you are not allowed to talk" she told Patti. Nicky had a smile in her eye, Patti was excited. "You are going to be my baby girl" she whispered, as removed Patti's panties.

Patti was breathing erratically. Nicky took the baby power and powdered her little bottom and clit, she then creamed her in more ways than one, "No" cried Nicky babies do not have an orgasm" 'don't spoil my fun' Patti wanted to say. She added a frilly petticoat to, the dress she was wearing, and tied a pair of lace trimmed socks on her hand as mittens.

Patti just laid there in ore of what was happening. Baby Patti was picked up and cradled in her mothers arms, "Are you hungry Patti" she said as unbuttoned her blouse, slowly, first the top button, then the next, and the third, Patti could now see her feeding bra, she came in her diaper, "That is not allowed" a sudden movement smacked the inside of her leg. Patti started to cry, "Is my little baby hungry, then" she mocked. Nicky opened her bra further, and removed the clip allowing her huge breast to swing free, Patti thought 'my god' the last thing I saw anything as big as that ! it sank 'The Titanic'. Nicky, massaged her breast with some cold water, and the nipple stood to attention, ready for action. So was Patti.

Patti looked at the breast's as Nicky lowered it to her mouth. She waved it across Patti's mouth and teased her, before she allowed her to drink, Mothers own sweet milk. Patti was in heaven as she lay in her Heroine's arms, with a huge breast to her lips, she wanted to stand in the street and shouted it out to the. Patti drained the right breast, and Nicky, switched her to the left breast, but first Nicky winded the her new baby. Nicky started to feed Baby Patti again. This time her right hand slid down her dress and raised the skirt of the dress up, and she released the wet diaper. Nicky slipped her hand inside the diaper, and began to fondled Patti's clitty, and brought her to point where she nearly, climaxed, and then she stopped, before her baby reached her orgasm. Patti stopped feeding "Finished, darling, or shall we carry on ?" Patti almost swallowed her huge breast, and Nicky carried on fondling Patti.

This not only turned Patti on but it sent Nicky it to one almighty orgasm, that totally soaked her panties, she enjoyed this as she had not had sex for a few weeks, and was in need of sexually simulation, one way or the other. "Perhaps I should wear the diaper and can be my Mummy?" she asked Patti said nothing at the time as she had her mouth full at the time.

Nicky finished feeding Patti and to put her bed. She also took the precaution of tieing her hands to the headboard, so Patti could not play with her clitty. When she woke Nicky continued to caress her little breasts through her satin dress.

"Hello, Nicky, Patti, I'm home cried Nicky's Mother. Nicky, untied her hands, and the girls rushed around tiding up the room and hiding the evidence. Nicky took off her soaking panties, which were wet with Nicky's sperm, and Patti's diaper. Nicky then took her panties and put them on Patti, and she added to the dampness. "You must wear them for the rest of the day" she order. (Patti, in fact she went to bed in them that night.).

Patti went home that evening, and searched for her little sister, as she wanted to tie her up, but Abbeygail had gone to stay with a school friend, but her time will come thought Patti.

To Be Continued.

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