Abbeygail's Holiday - Part 2

An Original Story by Abbeygail

Week One
The Red Dress

The next morning Sara was up early. She was sorting out a bag of Mary's old clothes. Before Abbeygail would be allowed out of bed Sara was going to the mall. She wanted to buy Abbeygail some new underwear, pretty and the suitable for a 11 year old girl.

She went in J C Penney's and purchased several pairs of panties, three training bra's the first that Abbeygail had ever owned, a couple of petticoats. As she was leaving her eye caught a Red dress with yellow daisy's on it, with a white cotton lace effect trim on the skirt of the dress. Sara treated Abbeygail to a new dress.

On returning to the house Abbey was allowed to get out of bed. Sara sent her to have a bath, and told her "Stand Outside the dressing room after your bath". Abbey waited for ages, before the young Madam ordered her into the dressing room.

Sara inspected every inch of her charge's body ensuring that she was clean in all those little important little places. She powered her all over and made her body smell sweet, next she selected a new white training bra, and demonstrated to Abbeygail how to put on a bra. Sara could not stop laughing at her feeble attempts to wear a bra, "If you are going to be a real girl! you must learn to wear a bra" she shouted. When Abbey had finally put the bra Sara could nor resist pinging the straps. To go with the bra she selected a white cotton pair of panties, and the new Red Dress, a white pair of frilly anklets, and black Mary Jayne's to complete the outfit

Sara combed her hair out, plaited it putting a red bow at the bottom of the plait. Abbeygail went over to the mirror and was stunned with the results, she actual looked like a little girl, but not a 11 year old, but that was something she would have to put up with. Abbeygail looked liked a adult little girl, but a feminine one!

They left the house with Sara talking to her just like a child "Now hold my hand" she told her "Now we are going to the shopping Mall" They walked the two blocks to the mall, and spent about two hours shopping, and everybody was staring at Abbeygail.

On the way home they visited the local park, and Sara brought them both an Ice Cream each. Abbey spilled some on her clean new dress! Wait till I get your home " shouted Sara, and several people in the street looked at her and laughed out loud!

When they got in the house Sara, sent Abbey to her room to await her punishment? She sat in her room waiting and wondering what her fate was going to be? Just then the door burst open and in stormed Sara, she picked up her charge by then right ear and dragged her off to the dressing room.

"KNEEL" barked Sara, Abbey got down on her knees, "I had just painted my toenails brown, Now blow them dry" Abbey put her lips near Sara's toes and spent the next twenty minutes blow drying her newly vanished toe nails, until they were dry.

Sara marched Abbey to the shower room. "I want sex in the shower, Now on your, on your knee's slut" Abbey got down on her knees. Sara grabbed her by her hair and pulled her face into her soft pussy, "Now get licking, and make sure you clean both holes out" Abbeygail was just about to start kissing pussy when Sara turned her back of her, "No this one first, and make sure you stick your tongue right up" Sara pushed both cheecks of her butt into Abbey's face, only letting her up to breathe, Sara came a couple of times and could feel the semen running down her thighs. She quickly faced Abbey and made her lick away the cum from her legs before the water from the shower washed her snowy white love juices away.

"Now you can help me get dressed slut!" Sara grabbed her by both ears and lifting her off the ground and said "If you touch one part of my body, I will tie you up outside in the garden, for everybody, to see! wearing only a bra and panties, understand Sissy?" "Yes Miss Sara" replied Abbeygail.

Abbeygail was very carefully in helping her young Mistress to get dressed, Sara deliberately moved, fidgeted trying to make Abbey touch her body, but failed. Sara was pleased "Abbeygail you have passed this test" Abbey smiled sweetly and Sara smiled back "Right" she said "Lay across this table" Abbey looked puzzled and did what she was told. "Now put your hands. Attached to the bottom of each of the table legs where straps, Sara strapped her to of the each legs.

Sara left the room and returned with a leather belt. "Em" she paused "How do you like the feel of leather Abbeygail? " she asked. As Abbey could not see what Sara had in right hand! "I love the feel of leather Miss" "How old are you Abbeygail" enquired Sara, "11 Miss Sara" was the correct answer "11" commented Sara "Yes Miss Sara 11" "well how many rewards do you think I should give you?" Abbey was a little thrown by the question, Come on Sissy, how many? demanded Sara who was now losing her composer, "11, Miss Sara", "Yes 11, you stupid Sissy Child, " The room fell silent Sara picked up a scarf and blindfolded Abbeygail, next she raised the hem of the Red Dress and lowered her panties exposing her little pinkish butt.

Sara started to stroke the belt across her bum, which sent shivers through whole of her body. The room fell silent, the a 'Swish' could be heard as the belt was propelled through the air 'Wallop' as hit Abbeygail's butt, she pulled against her bonds! but she was secure. Two more followed in quick succession, "Testing, ONE, TWO, THREE" said Sara, "How many did you ask for Sissy" "I Never Ever asked for any Miss Sara", a smile appeared across Sara's face "How old are you Abbeygail" "11 Miss Sara" was the answer "11 is the correct answer" remarked Sara .

The room fell silent, another 'Swish' could be heard as the belt was propelled through the air 'Wallop' as hit Abbeygail's butt, Thos went on for a further 11 times. Abbeygail was in tears. Sara was impressed as she examined her handy work Abbeys bum was a glowing crimson Red "It matches your dress" cried a triumphant Sara, "And your eyes are turning red as well" she exclaimed Sara was now feeling really devilish and laid the belt across the back of her bare legs of Abbey leaving a two big red weal's one on each leg. Happy with her handi- craft "If you soil your new red dress again! you will get double, and time after that it will be doubled every time you mis-behave" "Yes Miss Sara" said a very tearful Abbeygail. When the whipping was over, Sara took out of a draw, a vibrating dildo. She greased the dildo, and Abbeys butt and slowly inserted the dildo switched it on and left the room, only returning a two hours later to release her captive.

They went into the front room "Who is Cute Patti" asked Sara, Abbeygail was stunned into silence. " WELL, who is Cute Patti" "Sheeeee is another Sissy Girl who lives in Berkeley, I, I, I, I, I, was hoping to meet with her before I went back to the UK?" "That is a good idea, phone her, and order her round. "I fancy the idea of two Sissy's to play with" she remarked

Abbeygail phoned Patti inviting her over, and telling her to bring a change of clothes with her. Sara wanted the low down on Patti. "She is 13, and I call her my Big Sister, she is in charge of me and I adore and love her" commented Abbeygail, she will be here tomorrow.

They Went out to the Red Lobster for a meal their hostess was called Julie and was the same Julie who baby sat for Sara.

After the meal they returned home Sara was going to have some fun, well she thought Abbey had hers tied to that table this afternoon, I'm going to have mine this evening, she thought.

When they arrived back at the house, Sara said "I want you to put to your head up my skirt I would then like you to carry out the following orders. I want you to dress in your peach bridesmaid's dress" Abbeygail went off to the dressing room and chanced into her bridesmaid dress.

Sara then tied her hands behind her back to prevent her touching parts, of the body, without permission? She then sat in a reclining chair. Abbeygail was ordered to kneel at her feet. Sara, instructed her where to kiss and lick starting at her big toe working up her leg's until you reach the top of my thighs, then you will kiss the inside of each my thighs, and worked up to the top of my panties. Then you may remove my panties with your teeth". By this time Sara's Panties were soaking wet, so was she with anticipation. Next Abbey kissed her on the lower love lips gently licking around her large clitty, kissing and licking inch by inch inserting her tongue, deeper and deeper inside of Sara working her up to a gigantic orgasm, this was be repeated several times.

When Sara was washed out she wiped herself clean with her dirty panties, and then she stuffed the cum soaked panties into the mouth of Abbeygail, and gagged her them by sticking tape across her mouth. Sara looked at Abbeygail and then she raised the skirt of her bridesmaid's dress, and pulled down her satin panties, Taking her in 3inch penis in hand slowly started working her up to a climax, at exactly the right moment she let go laughed and said "No, 11 year old girls do not have a penis or a sex life".

Sara put Abbeygail to bed that night in a diaper and her bridesmaid dress, and told her "Sissy, you can have pacifier tomorrow night to suck on"

At eighty thirty, the next morning a cab pulled outside the house. Patti had arrived..............................

To Be Continued

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