Dissociative Identity Disorder/Multiple Personality Disorder Resources

The diagnosis of DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) is a debated issue in the medical profession. A majority of doctors do not believe in DID but rather fall back on the traditional beliefs and treatments for depression, schizophrenia, and sometimes even medicinal and shock therapies.

Why are doctors so adamant in their reluctance to respond to new concepts in their field? Why, like some scientists, do they refuse to expand beyond old and preconceived psychological ideas? It has been my personal experience to witness firsthand downright rude denial that such a malady like DID exists. Yet history proves that outdated medical concepts do eventually collapse or evolve from that of the old, towards that of the new.

Well, debate or not, DID has been acknowledge in the DSMV-IV. The fact that DID is treated by reknown psychiatrists (like Cornelia Wilbur) cannot be overlooked.

Putting the blinders on and professionally denying DID will not make it go away. Whether you have a medical degree or not, does not effectually negate the existence of Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Debate does not help those people with DID, because they require medical resources, treatment, and support now. Study, research, and treatment of DID must be addressed openly and carefully.

There are some five prominent doctors in Edmonton who believe in and treat Dissociative Identity Disorder. These medical professionals are not taking any patients at this time, as some have as much as a three year patient waiting list. This should speak volumes to other medical professionals and to medical authorities. I am quite sure that such a circumstance eixts in other cities as well.

I have been accused by some of being forthright in my stand towards the medical profession and DID. Frankly, I am sure I have also been called a lot more behind my back as well. Just as frankly, I do not give a flying feces. Any medical professional who forgets why s/he is in the medical field, and reverts to rude and sacrosanct behaviour in defense of their own personal denials should review why they are, in fact, in the medical profession. (In fact, I encourage those in Alberta who have had a hard time with doctors to visit my resources link.)

Meanwhile, here "it" is, for those who wish to go over it again, or for those who were always curious.

The Oath

by Hippocrates, 400 BC
Translated by Francis Adams

I SWEAR by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius, and Health,and All-heal, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to my ability and judgement, I will keep this Oath and this stipulation - to reckon him who taught me this Art equally dear to me as my parents, to share my substance with him, and relieve his necessities if required; to look upon his offspring in the same footing as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee or stipulation; and by that precept, lecture, and every other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the Art to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to disciples bound by a stipulation and oath according to the law of medicine, but to none others. I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgement, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mishievious. I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and in like manner I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion. With purity and with holiness I will pass my life and practice my Art. I will not cut persons laboring under the stone, but will leave this to be done by men who are practioners of this work. Into whatever houses I enter, I will go into them for the benefit of the sick, and will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption; and further from the seduction of females or males, of freemen and slaves. Whatever, in connection with my professional practice or not, in connection with it, I see or hear, in the life of men, which ought not to be spoken of abroad, I will not divulge, as reckoning that all such should be kept secret. While I continue to keep this Oath unviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of the art, respected by all men, in all times! But should I trespass and violate, may the reverse be my lot!




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