A Graphic For My Brother.

I want to thank you, Robert. You were there for me during family fights. You were the voice of reason during my growing up times.

I saw you make your mistakes in coming out. It is sad that you FELT that you needed to have the "Wife and Kids" to be normal. Because I watched you during that time in your life, I never tried to be heterosexual. {For everyone else, I am also gay... }

You have been, and always will be in my thoughts, my feelings and my heart.

I pray that this world will stop making gay kids feel like they are worthless. I pray that this world will learn tolerance. I pray that nobody will ever have to hurt another "Wife and Kid" by having to pretend to be "straight".

I am angry and depressed that so many people died and HIV had to make it out into the Hetrosexual population before it was even considered a "Threat". Its your intolerance and bigotry that has killed the "shaman" of the world.

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mail to the Dolphin NetWeaver

P.S. Robert... Sorry for turning your page into a rant and rave about HIV. I love you. And you always were a "good soul". See you in heaven.
