Hey Big Daddy !!!

How kind of you to pay me a visit !!!

This particular site got...


from Bear Quay!!

Perhaps some fine day in the future I'll get around to completing this thing, but in the meantime, enjoy my pages and links. And if you have ANY helpful suggestions, drop me a line at pansatyrson@cs.com

So you say you'd like to know a little more about me, eh? Are you sure you're ready for this?

All right then, let's start with the basics: My name is Brad Spaulding; I live in Tucson, AZ, and I'm - as of this past summer - (gulp!) 33 years old. I'm a slender 6'2" brunette with a thick (yet somewhat patchy) beard. I have a little bit of hair on my chest but very furry legs and feet (Imagine a satyr who wears glasses). There's a picture of me near the bottom of the page just in case you don't believe me. I'm an "out-and-out" homosexual (dig that rainbow flag at the top) with an interest in older men, bigger men, and bear men. I also happen to be a practicing Pagan witch. My other interests are in all movies, music, and literature that falls outside the mainstream.

I've also got a profile listed on but it pretty much tells you just what I've stated above and brings you right back here. So the only reason to click on that logo is because you're already sick of me and you want to go find somebody else.
Well fine then!! Who needs ya!!?? ...
Ahem. Anyway...

I tried to design this site so that it can give all of you a better insight into my thought process. I feel as if each link on these pages shows another glorious aspect of my sparkling (yet eccentric) personality. HAVE FUN (and don't say I didn't warn you)!!!

*Click pics to enlarge*
I get my hair cut short depending on my mood or the weather. My friend Andrew saw the first photo and asked "Hey, who's the Nazarene?" (Smart ass.)

Links to other sites on the web

Movies I Like
Music I Like
Men I Like
A God I Adore
Tucson I Like
Some Art I Like (Temporarily Missing)

On May 26, 2002, my closest friend Andrew died of complications following recovery from septic illness. He uncovered my buried spirituality and taught me how to be myself. He shall be in my thoughts until my dying day. Blessed be, dollface! Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again!

My Beloved Friend Andrew Siliar Brooks (1967-2002)

people have checked out my webpages since I had to re-install my counter. This site is still (!!!) under construction. Born on June 24, 1998, it was last updated on January 9, 2002.

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