Wife's Tale

By Janie Hutton

Reprinted From Gender Euphoria which reprinted it from The Emerald City Newsletter; which reprinted it from Virinia's Secret and The Pinnacle (Whew! Janie really gets around!) Never the less, if you haven't read this article you'll love it, if you have, read it again!

For nearly as long as I have been active in the gender community, I have, at various times, been accused of being so liberal that my brains were falling out, to outright lying about my acceptance level.

There were moments, early on, when I actually wondered if perhaps there was something radically wrong with me because I understood this crossdressing thing. Not only did I understand it; I really liked it! More often than not, that made me somewhat of an outcast at various support group meetings for spouses and partners.

In the beginning, armed with what I thought was common sense coupled with an easygoing personality, I valiantly attempted to share my enthusiasm and positive attitude at these meetings. It quickly became clear that I was not making friends or influencing people! Some people were downright angry with me for even suggesting that one could find marital bliss with a crossdresser.

They said their relationships were difficult enough to begin with, and now they had to listen to husbands who were asking why they couldn't be as understanding as I was. They told me if I was crazy enough to enjoy living with a man who wore skirts, they would prefer I not share that fact with the men they were married to.

And, God forbid I should make any effort to tell these women why I am delighted to have a crossdresser as a husband or suggest ways they might learn to be delighted too. The majority of them wanted simply to wallow in their own misery and vent it verbally, once a month, at meetings which were intended to be supportive.

Try as I might, I eventually found it impossible to sit through those bitch sessions listening to one woman after another malign her poor husband just because he likes to wear skirts. I quit going to "support groups.

All in all, it was probably for the best. I didn't fit in, and perhaps even more significant that I certainly didn't understand what the big hullabaloo was about anyway.

Unlike the majority of these women, I don't care if Debbie goes to the mailbox in a skirt. Hell, I don't care if she goes to the bank in a skirt, and she has! More than once without her wig. There hasn't ever been a problem because of it. Nor have we had problems at any of the other places we have gone when she's been dressed, or half dressed. I suppose we'd have a problem if she was completely undressed, but fortunately she wouldn't do THAT as a man, and she doesn't loose her sense of propriety when she puts on a skirt!

In all honesty, I don't think there is any place, private or public, I wouldn't go with her. I believe the significant issue here is that I am not ashamed of the fact that she's a crossdresser. Therefore, 1 am not ashamed of being seen with her. being a crossdresser wasn't something she chose, nor is it something she has any power to UNchoose. It is, quite simply, part of who and what she is, and in my very humble estimation, it is that part of her which delineates and feeds on the finest and most admirable aspects of her personality.

These days if someone suggests that my brains are falling out, or that I am not being entirely truthful concerning my feelings toward crossdressing, I am no longer hurt, nor do I shut up and sit down. Instead I proclaim these truths with conviction! Debbie is the best husband anyone could ever ask for. She doesn't beat or abuse me and she's not an alcoholic. She has never been a threat to my femininity; on the contrary, she lets not a day go by wherein she does not firmly validate that femininity in a significant number of ways. She is emotionally stable, financially responsible, sensitive to my feelings, understanding of my shortcomings, and incredibly supportive of all my endeavors.

She has a wonderful sense of humor, a brilliant mind, and exquisite taste in clothes and jewelry. I am never a golf, bowling, football, poker,, or any other kind of widow. She honestly prefers doing things with me to being with anyone else, and she lets me know that frequently. She is my best friend and greatest and most inventive lover I have ever known. She helps with the housework, hauls the garbage to the dump, makes sure the cars are running, and can fix or make just about anything.

She treats me with dignity and respect, recognizes and appreciates my intelligence, and encourages me to always be myself.

She is absolutely all that I have ever dreamed of, and I thank God (and Samantha) every day for having brought her into my life. She can wear a skirt whenever it tickles her fancy. When I consider all the wonderful things she does for me, that's the very least I can do for her!