The Chatter; Crossroads Chapter; Feb/Mar 97

Breast form tip

This is for a poor girls "silicone" form. They "feel" like the real thing, warm up to body temperature, and have the same weight and movement. They are cheap and easy to make! The only drawback is a crinkling sound that only you will "hear" when they are "new" from the plastic bag.

Thanks need to be given to the gal on the Internet who gave me her method of making them. This is a modified version that worked for me. (I didn't have the seal-a-meal!)

Take the Freezer get and cut open the bag. Measure equal amounts into the baggies. Try and keep it to one corner of the bag. For a 38C cup, try 2 cups for each form.

Squeeze out all the excess air you can, don't worry if it isn't all out. Tie a knot in the bag using the top and the other corner - you want to keep the material all in the other corner. When tying the knot, try and place it along the bottom seam of the bag. Cut off the excess plastic baggie material close to the knot. This wilt give you a good approximation/shape of a breast form. Try placing the corner of the bag to the outside of your bra with the knot hidden near your breastbone on the inside. If you can make a small enough knot and place it properly, it can give the effect of a nipple.

Don't tie the baggie too tightly so it can't give/move, but do tie it tight enough to give it some shape (personal trial and error/preference).

This, if done correctly will give you a great form/ shape for less than $5 a pair. I bought my freezer gel at ACO/ACE hardware, but it can be purchased at K-mart or Wal-Mart.

I have a set that is about 5 months old and still useable. The gel will eventually start to get stale and create some air in the baggies. Then just make another set!

As for what happens if the baggies leak? Well, I have done that to see what would happen. I intentionally popped one so the seam went. It took a lot to get it to pop! If you got the gel that was thicker, all that happens is you have a bra with gel partly in it and need to use the ladies room. The stuff is non-toxic, non-staining, and thick enough to stay put. It won't even make a mess that will show thru your clothing if cleaned up right away. You can go back to whatever you were doing without even changing you bra. (just re-stuffing it *grin*) If you get a pinhole in it, you probably won't even notice!

Oh, one small detail - Do warm them up before using them - nothing like a cold form on a warm chest! And DON'T leave them out in the car in the winter - they will take awhile to thaw! Frostbite anyone? *GRIN* They can keep you warm too - just don't microwave them!

Have fun! Jayne Nicole