Oh Canada!
Jennifer's  Journey

Just a thought I came across one day that sums it all up for me


A clock is ticking softly in the kitchen. There is a rhythm to any life, I thought, a routine that both sustained and deadened. Countless moments become strung together in the guise of a whole. I am 36 years old. It will be over all too quickly, and if I have the courage at the end, I will ask myself: What was it all about? What did I do that really mattered? And what would I answer? The answer perhaps is that most of what happens isn't planned. Who knows what's going to be? So do your best. Be kind, enjoy, try not to worry. (Clifford Irving / Final Argument)


Jennifer's Photo Hello, and thanks for stopping by. If things such as cross-dressing and transgender issues give you the willies, you may want to get out of here. But your more than welcome to come in and visit. Inside you'll find a place that only requires an open mind, a relaxed outlook on life, and most of all, a warm heart. To learn more about these things and how I 've come to accept and live with them, come on in....

Since May 1st,2001.....Counter

Last update... June 21st, 2004
